Where am I?

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    I'm currently watching episode 4 of Naruto since I decided to watch it all over again while waiting for the next episode to come up. While in the middle of watching Naruto, I hear some swishing sound and turn around to find this black unimaginable thing that's floating in front of me. I feel like I'm being sucked into it, as well as my whole house! Then everything blacks out from there, and I was unconscious.


     My eyes slowly open as I find myself laying on the ground of my room, that's completely fine. My laptop, computer, and the air conditioner is off, but my lights are still on, maybe it's because of the fact that I use solar power to run the whole house. Did that just happen? I don't get it, but I was just probably hallucinating from some unknown reason. I stand back up and look around my room like a crazy person as if I'm searching for some kind of ghost. GASP. Maybe some terrorists decide to smoke bomb us with something, or the world is just slowly becoming disastrous! My heart is beating incredibly fast. Maybe there's something in the air that made me seem like a psycho because of something the Earth formed up with different kinds of chemicals and diseases!

     I start to take deep breaths, finally calming down after a few minutes just standing there and focusing on my breathing. I walk over to my balcony to see if a zombie apocalypse was about to happen or anything crazy like that. Hey, I got to be too cautious after what just happened. When I was 5 feet from the balcony door, I felt something strange bubbling inside of me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I finally decide to look over myself. When I noticed that I was in a somewhat different body, I screamed so loud that my throat began to hurt, and birds began to fly out of their nests. This had to be the day that my heart beated inhumanly fast, as if my chest were about to burst, but thank god it didn't.

     I ran to my huge spa like bathroom, having a hard time opening the door since I was so small, and looked at myself at the full length mirror. My mouth opened, preparing for another scream, but I was too shocked to utter a sound, holding my breath in. I looked just like when I was a four year old kid eleven years ago, remembering the photos that were taken when I was a child. I just stared, studying ever feature of my body. At some point, I even took of my clothes, which have shrunk and freaked the hell out of me, to see what my body looked like. My chest has abnormally developed for a four year old girl. It's not big, but I wasn't flat chested either. It was just like a small bump. When I couldn't hold my breath anymore, I let it go and started to breath normally again.

     After a few minutes, I felt no emotions whatsoever. Weird, right? It happens a lot when I get bored. I just somewhat decided that "okay, I'll just go with the flow". When I meant with the bored thing is that it's kind of like when a child that wants something, plays with it, and then gets bored with it after a few minutes. I'm just like that, but to a more extreme level. I've had my excitement. Now, I'm totally okay with it. Worrying about it made me tired. I figured, there's nothing to do about my situation. So why not let it go, and go with the flow.

     I decided to go downstairs in search of nothing. Just following what my gut tells me. I walked in the living room, and I immediately notice five rolled up paper thingies on the table. It looks like the scrolls that people use in Naruto, oh well. With nothing to do, I sat on the couch, thinking of my family. I then started to cry with my elbows on my knees, and my hands on my head when I thought that I might not see my family, especially my brother, ever again... I began whimpering, and it blew out into a hysteric crying fit. With me, never sobbing so much until today. I cried and cried for a few minutes. I stopped since I was tired of all that crying.

     Forcing myself to forget about my family, I start to walk to the door that leads out of my house to see if I find anything useful as to tell me where the hell I am and how I got here! Unfortunately, all I saw were trees as far as my eyes could see. I look to the right as I heard some shuffling. I turned to see an otaku that seems to be dressed in a costume exactly like Kakashi from Naruto when he was younger. "Huh?" he says. "I didn't know that there was a house in this part of the forest, especially considering that it's way too huge to go unnoticed."

"Hi," I say.

He stares at me for a few seconds and says, "Huh, what's a little girl like you doing out here, and where's your parents?"

I just decided to tell him the truth since being me, I trust easily. "Um, I don't know where I am or how I got here mister," I say looking down at the ground. "I don't know where my parents are either." 

~To be continued...

Too lazy to make the next chapter, but I will do it anyways.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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