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Daisy P.O.V

Why do things like this always happen to me.
I looked up at nick to see what his reaction was to me slipping

He started laughing
"Daisy are you okay?"

I had thought that he was going to help me up but I thought wrong. So I had to help my self up.

"Yeah I'm okay but I think I'm going to get out now" I said getting up

"But why don't leave"

I had got out the shower and wrapped my towel around my body. I left to nicks room so I can get dress then go to sleep.
So after I got dressed I just laid down on the bed.
Like about 6 minutes went by and Nick came out of the shower. Yes he had clothes on thank god.
He walks to the bed and lays down next to me.


So it's finally morning and nick was still sleeping. So i got up and walked out of the room. I see Zach & Rudan watching tv. I still felt like laughing after what happen to Rudan last night but I just held it in. As I was about to walk back into nicks room Rudan had said something to me.

"Hey you, who are you"

"I'm daisy" I looked at Rudan

"Oh are you like nicks girl friend or something"

"No not yet"

"Oh well come over here just sit down"

As I walked over to the couch Nick had came out from the room.

"Everybody get ready we are going out" nick said

So I had to walk back to the room to go get dressed and everybody just started getting dressed.
I went inside James room to tell him to get ready but he wasn't in his room.So I just closed his door and went back to get ready.

"Why Is there a bump on my head?" Rudan questioned looking into the mirror

"Cause umm... well..." Zach sounded speechless

"We don't know, you looked like that at the party" nick responded

They started talking about the party last night.But I didn't want to hear it so I got my headphones and started listening to music.
I seen the boys look at me. I took off my headphones and asked what happen. But then they all looked away from me.
That was weird for me.
But 8 minutes had went by and everybody was done getting ready so we took off in Nicks car.
I wasn't sure where we're going. But I just started looking out the window.We stopped at this bowling place and got off.

"Are we going bowling?" I asked

"No you goober we had to park here because there's no parking at Target across the street" nick answered

I felt so dumb today.So I started walking straight to the Target until nick grab my hand and stopped me.

"Daisy I was being sarcastic come on we're going bowling" Nick chuckled

So we all walked into the building and Rudan was talking to the guy.
My phone started ringing and I checked then I seen that it was Gemma. I had to answer it so I told nick I needed to go to the bathroom.
I walked to the bathroom as quick as i can and I answered the phone.

"Gemma oh my goodness I mis---" I couldn't finish what I was about to say cause Gemma started talking over me

"Daisy you're alive!!"

"Yeah I'm alive why would you think I passed away?"

"Because on the news i saw that your sister was kidnapped"

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