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Daisy p.o.v
I bit my lip...

"Do you know her Daisy ?" Nick asked

"Yeah..well..I seen her around"

"She was crazy she needed to die"

"SHE WAS NOT CRAZY" I yelled as I banged my hands on the table

Everybody started looking at me and I just run out of Denny's. Nick started following me

"DAISY COME BACK HERE!!" nick yelled

I kept on running and running I tried to run away from him.
But nick was right behind me.
I felt like I was in a horror movie.

Then I seen a red car stop right in front of me

"Get in now" the girl in the car said

I looked back and nick was getting so close to me so I got into the car and we took off

"Who are you ?" I asked

"My name is Rachel I'm the girl that also writes in the book of secrets"

"How did you know I was going to be here ?" I looked at her

"Didn't you just hear me I write in the book of secrets I have to follow nick around every where to find out stuff"

"Thanks for saving me" I said

*phone starts ringing*

"Hey I got Daisy right now we are going to be right there don't worry" Rachel said to the people on the other side of the phone.

"who was that ?" I questioned

"don't worry about"

I looked back and I see nick getting in his car and he started to follow us

"Rachel !! Nick is following us !" I said

"don't worry hang on to something"

Rachel started driving really fast then there was this a dead end. And Nick was getting so close to us. I looked at Rachel and I hit my head against the air bag.


I seen that one girl that was in my other vision again but this time she had a baby in her hands and she was running. Nick was chasing her. Then she fell on the ground and Nick picked her up and started yelling at her. I couldn't understand what they were saying to each other. Then this van had came and stop right next to them & Nick had threw her into the van. And the baby had fell on the ground

i woke up and im in nicks car and I look at the left side of me and Rachel is right next to me. We must had crashed. i'm scared out of my mind. Im scared what Nick will do to me. As i looked up I know that street names and it hit me we are going back to the apartment.

I waited for Rachel to wake up but she just didn't wake up. Then nick had stop the car and we are in front of the apartment's and I closed my eyes again to pretend I was asleep. Nick opened the car door and then he picked me up and closed the door. And walked up the stairs when we got into the apartment he lied me down on the couch and he went to the play room. and then I heard him say

"f uck I forgot the other bi tch"

I heard him walk out the playroom and he went outside and then went down the stairs. As I realized he got out I got up and went to go lock the door. And I didn't know what to do so I hide in James room. And I grab the house phone then I dialed James number. "Fuck " I heard his phone in the room *ring ring*

damn it he left his phone. I called 911 and the phone got disconnected. Then I remembered that there was camera's hidden in the apartment. I heard the front door banging then Nick started kicking the door then the door pop opened. then I looked around and I seen the window. and I looked down and it wasn't a really far drop. and there was a energy stair case. and I ran down the stair chase. then I ran to the streets and I see James crossing the street.

"james!!! oh my god I need help nick has gone crazy he has Rachel in the apartment, he broke the front door and I bet you he looking for me now"

I saw nick up on the outside stairs coming down, then james ran me to the library. We walk up the steps and as we walked in I saw Elizabeth going through the book of secret's.

"Elizabeth come on we need to leave nick is following us" I said

"what why ? what's going on"

"nick knows Elizabeth please we need to hide somewhere now"

"lets go hide in the back he wont find us there"

so we all went to the back and we just hide in areas around that room. My heart was pounding I just didn't ever think that nick was ever going to hurt me in any type of way. then we heard the door opened. The room was dark so all we saw was the light from the opening door. And the light turned on and looked around me to see what I can use to hit him with. Then I seen a bat so a grab it and I got up and ran to hit him. But then I noticed that it was Zach..... Wait what was Zach doing here?

I got even more scared because I know his secret about the doll house. So I got the bat again and I hit him as hard as I can on his leg then he fell on the ground.

"Daisy stop im not here to hurt you please I changed I know that you where going to find out please I don't even want to do this anymore just listen to me" Zach yelled while tears where coming down his face.

"how can I believe you !! "

"im not fake because if I was fake I would have told all the boys where you are and I would hurt all you guys but im not like that trust me"

"so are you going to help us ?" I questioned

"yes, I know one person that can help you and she was able to escape on time"

"is it who I think it is ?" Elizabeth came out from the place she was hiding

who where they talking about ? I felt so lost then they both stared at each other and then said...



hey guys I hope you liked it i'm sorry I been not updating a lot I just have school so i'm not able to update. but I will try my best to update for you guys.

Instagram : mrs.nickbean

other instagram : value5quad & imonlynatalie

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