Chapter Four

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Donghae's P.O.V

When I slowly started to wake up, I heard all kinds of beeping sounds, and I smelled a very strong and clean smell, when I tried to open my eyes they were so heavy and I felt so tired, I was feeling around with my hands to feel something familiar but only I felt was a bed and a pair of soft hands, I tried to remember what happenend but everything was a big blurr, but I couldn't give up, and then I saw what happened, as a bad dream a nightmare a very slowly and painful nightmare, I stood before the practice room and heard what Eunhyuk said, and at that moment I fell down and everything got black. I heard far away a door open and then I notice a present next to me from a person, and then I heard voices, first I couldn't understand them, but after a while I did. "Is Fishy awake yet?" I heard someone next to me sigh and shake his head and then they start whispering again. " He hasn't wake up yet, but I think he have a nightmare he is so restless I felt someone walk closer to me and that person stop." Seem like Eunhyuk have been here whole the night." I suddenly froze and wasn't sure I heard right, Monkey stayed with me whole the night, but where are we staying then, I thought it was then time to open my eyes, I slowly blink a few times with my eyes and after a few times my eyes got to see clear, and I saw the people who were surrounding me, and I felt warm inside when I saw all the members inside my room, but then I notice something odd, this isn't my room. "Where am I?" I saw everyone looking shocked at the place I was laying, and everyone looked so relieved and their faces tell me they wanted to hug me, but they all stayed in control, and then my eyes travel down, and then I gasp softly.

There lying was my monkey, he was asleep, but he was frowning and he wasn't at piece, and I suddenly didn't dare to move, I didn't want to wake my monkey up. But then I remember what I ask and look at Leeteuk." We found you in the hallway, well some trainees did and they screamed so loud, they thought you were dead, hell we all thought you were dead Hae." He kind of look mad, but not on me but himself, when he look at me I saw worry and that he care and was relieved I opened my eyes. Everything was a bit too much and my eyes started to feel heavier and I fell almost asleep." Yah! We  are worried as hell and you’re just going back to sleep?" My eyes shot open and I look a bit sorry, the person who seems to be Kangin snickers and got smacked on his head by Leeteuk."I think we should leave and let you sleep ne? We will be back over some hours." I smiles and nodded and when the door closed I took a deep breath and then I look down at my Monkey and lay my hand on his hand. "Thanks Monkey for staying at my side." I jaw softly and then close my eyes, I drive off to dreamland fast, but a voice keep me a bit awake, and I feel something against my hand. "Thanks Hae for living, you had no idea how worried I was Fishy." A smile form on my face and I went into a deep sleep.

An hour later.

There keep something bugging me, I heard something ring far away, I turn restless in my sleep, and just keep getting more irritated, I open my eyes, and then I look around me, and I saw Eunhyuk was still asleep, I poke his arm a bit and when he open his eyes, and I start to talk between my teeth. ’’Please pick up your phone would you.’’ I sounded a bit irritated, and I think he heard it, he took fast his phone out his pocket and took the call, and then I wished he didn’t, I heard an irritating voice over the phone. ‘’Oppa! Where are you? You said you would come over and play with me.’’ I turn around and glare at Eunhyuk. ‘’Ah mian mian baby, I don’t have time right now.’’ And he looked with pleading eyes at me, I roll my eyes and sighs softly, and my head started to hurt, I turn around so I didn’t look at Eunhyuk. ‘’Ne I miss you too, but babe I’m with my member and he isn’t well.’’ And then I felt again a pain in my heart, member since when I’m I only his member? I thought I was his best friend, maybe he is ashamed of me. ‘’Yah! Can you be lovely dovely outside, I try to sleep, because this member isn’t feeling well you know.’’ I was facing him when I said that, and then I humph and turn around, and waited till he walk away, and I heard him stand up and he was looking at me, and I really want to turn around and tell him I’m sorry, but I couldn’t I was fighting the tears what was forming in my eyes.’’Mianhae Donghae, I didn’t mean it like that.’’ I didn’t react and rust lift my shoulders and then close my eyes, and then he walk outside the room, and when I was alone my tears start to fall, and I couldn’t hold them back again, and I shudder a bit because everything I hold inside, was just streaming down, I heard the door open again, and I started to panic, I didn’t want Eunhyuk see me like this, what was I going to tell him.  I fell someone climbing on my bed, and I felt two arms wrap around me and I knew it wasn’t Eunhyuk but Leeteuk, and I turn around, and when I look at him, I started to cry even more and he pull me closer and I lay my head on his shoulder and just let everything out. After a while I heard the door open again, and I heard someone gasp softly, I just knew this was Eunhyuk, I could tell who he was with my eyes closed, and so I just crawl closer against Leeteuk and didn’t look at Eunhyuk, I fell my eyes getting heavier, from all the crying, and my eyes were red and puffy and swollen. ‘’Please just leave Eunhyuk, he need some time alone ne? You have an interview about an hour. I take care of him.’’ I was Leeteuk thankful, he knew me, and I really didn’t want to have Eunhyuk around right now, I heard the door close again, and my eyes started to feel watery again, Leeteuk patted on my back, and my eyes just felt heavier and heavier, and then I heard him sing a lullaby for me and I just couldn’t fight my tiredness anymore, and I drifted into a deep sleep.

TELLING THE TRUTH, OR LIVING A LIE { Eunhae fanfic.}Where stories live. Discover now