Trey's Pov
After having that talk with India, we really did end up leaving. However it wasn't gonna be just us in on this whole "road trip" thing. Alaija and Chris are coming too unfortunately. I wasn't the only one who thought they should take their own car.
India: If yall are coming then you ain't getting in the car with me. I'll be better off taking a car with Trey who has no game.
Chris: Hahahahahaha
Me: That's messed up. How you gon do me like that?
India: I speak the truth. That's my job as your friend
Me: I see how it is. I've got you India
India: Whatever you say Trey
Me: I love how you say my name
India: Shut up and get in the car. Hurry
Me: Aight
India's Pov
After Trey got in the car, Chris got in his and Alaija is out here with me.
Alaija: You like him don't you?
Me: No
Alaija: Stop lying. There's only one reason you kicked me and Chris out of the car.
Me: Okay so what but the reason I don't want yall in my car is because yall won't chill with the PDA
Alaija: Okay but still. Don't do nothing I would do
Me: Girl please. I know what to do. But let's go
Trey's Pov
India got on the car and she starts texting people on her phone then smiles.
Me: what did you do?
India: you said you wanted a good time and that's what you're gonna get. Now sit back and enjoy the ride country boy
Me: I see you've got jokes. But okay
We riding on the highway and we just talking and laughing. Chris and Alaija were behind us. Then I see there's people on the side of us.
August: Wassup Indie
Random girl: Hey b****
India: Heyyyyyyyyyyyy
August: Wassup Trey
Me: Wassup my nigga
Rihanna: Ayeeeeeeeeee
India: Waddup bishh
Random people: turn up niggas
Chris: whoooo
We bumping to some of that new ish. It's fun. I don't usually do this type of stuff. She start speeding down the road and it wasn't just her. Then I notice I ain't ever been on this road. There were more cars and more people who know who she is. I'm starting to see that this is a fun side to her and its nothing like I thought it would be. She's nothing close to boring. We pulled up to this mansion and it was empty and I see that the parking lot filled up quick. People got out their cars with bottles of liquor and lord knows what.
India: C'mon
Me: Alright
I put her on my back and we ran inside.
India:Hahahahahaha you want a drink a blunt or something
Me: Can I get both
India: Yeah c'mon
Later..........Alaija's Pov
I've been with Chris all night but I ain't seen Trey or India since we got to the house. The last I saw of them was him carrying her with a bottle of Grey Goose in her hand. These two were wayyyy past faded. So I'm walking upstairs and I find them. But not the way I expected to find them so soon.
Trey: So who doesn't have game?
India: Hahaha idk cuz you do
With that being said I closed the door and all I could hear was a lot of banging.