My name is India Westbrooks. I'm a model. Some people think I'm a hoe because of the pictures I take and how many dudes I've talked to. I honestly don't care about what they have to say. They can say whatever they want because I'm gonna live my life the way I want to live it. My parents suggest I settle down but that's only because my sisters and brothers have done it. I love my family and I know they want what's best for me but I think that with me being grown that I should be old enough to make my own decisions. Just because I'm the baby doesn't mean I'm gonna continue to act like one. I'm going to make my own decisions. Like my love life decisions for example. I don't want just a piece of eye candy that I can touch. What I really want is someone who will be real with me. I don't have time for that fake it for publicity stuff. Who does? Yall get what I'm trying to say right?