Violetta 2: Part 1

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A/N: This is going to be another Diegia story so if you're not fan of these just ignore this.

To the others... Enjoy ;)

Diego's POV:

We're starting today with Violetta season 2.

As I heard we're getting some new colleagues, including Diego Dominguez too, Clari's fiancee which is pissing me off, but whatever. I'm not the one deciding in things like this.

Anyway... There's going to be another woman that I'll be working the most with and who'll be playing Esmeralda's role and people told me that she looks amazing! Maybe even better than Clari.

I don't know what to think about that though...

They all know I always had a big crush... No... I was in love with Clari, but she was already with that Dominguez kid so I've never had a chance.

Alfredo and some others want me to be happy again and this is why they're telling me about the new colleague...

I could have met her as well when the first season ended, but I had to leave the country because of some important business so I couldn't be on the party they had.


- Are you excited to see your partner? - asked Alfredo while we were drinking our morning coffee as we always do before starting.

- Alfredo, enough with this - I sighed.

- Look to your right! She's coming right there! - he said and when I looked over to the direction my jaw literally dropped.

I didn't believe people when they said she looks way better than Clari, but now... I have to admit... She does look amazing.

- Close your mouth! - said Alfredo - She's coming over here!

I quickly snapped back from my shock and tried to act normal when she came up to me with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

- Hey, uh... Excuse me, but we didn't get to meet before so I uh... Wanted to introduce myself... If Alfredo didn't do it before - she said.

- No, he seemed to be forgetting to do that - I groaned as I looked over to Alfredo, who just grinned at me.

- Okay... Uh, my name's Selvaggia Lucarelli and I'll be playing Esmeralda's role - she said as she held her hand out to me.

- Diego Ramos... - I said as we shook hands - The one that plays German Castillo... So we'll have a lot to do together.

- Yes... I'm really looking forward to work with you.

- Same here...

Maybe this is really the time for me to move on and might start to get to know Selvaggia a bit better.

I don't know... Let's see what will happen...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Soon we started filming the first scenes where Selvaggia wasn't in yet, but she was also watching us.

My first scene was with Clari, but as much as I wasn't looking forward to this at first now I can't wait to start!

Why, you ask?

Because Selvaggia is watching me.

Simple as that.


First scene with German and Angie at the piano finished we both began to laugh after that.

I mean... It was the most awkward scene ever.

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