5 -- You Happily Smile with Such Innocence

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I carried the tray of Brioche.

"Today's snack will be Brioche." I said.

The Queen Rin smiled with such an innocent smile.

She passed me a bottle.

"I can't leave at all today, but after snack time, would you go put it in the ocean for me?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. It reminded me of our old times with that. We would write our wishes on paper, put them in bottles, and let them float in the ocean, hoping that they'd get granted.

These are the times that make my life a happy one.


I walked to the Queen with my outfit, wearing one of her dresses. My ponytail was still in, though, but everything else was in my arms. I glanced out the window as the angered people gathered and shouted. They were going to bring the end of the Queen.

Rin seemed confused.

"Len... Why are you wearing my dress?" she asked.

After a moment of mental preparation, I answered, "Very soon this kingdom will end at the hands of the people. I will defy it for you. Here, I will lend you my clothes. Wear them and immediately start escaping. We are twins after all, no one will tell the difference."

"Len... I can't let you do this," she said. I took her hands and put the outfit in them.

"Please. You will die otherwise."

"But you are going to die because of me," she said with tears.

"I wouldn't want to let you die," I said, "go."

She ran with my cape and my outfit. I pulled out my ponytail and faced the crowd of angered people.

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