6 -- Once Upon a Time There Was a Kingdom

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I ran from the castle, as Len told me. I cried and cried. I couldn't believe that it was my carelessness in ruling that brought the end to my brother... And to my best friend. Who knew that the fall of the Yellow Kingdom would be because of me?

If I could go back and change it all........

I would.


The cell was very cold.... Sitting in it in a dress was hard, though.

Tears filled my eyes.

I'll never see her again. But... At least she is safe.

The guards came and got me. They held my arms tightly as we walked to the execution area.

Even if the entire world
Should become your enemy
I will always protect you,
So be happy somewhere else.

The note that I held flew from my hand.

I didn't look at the crowd as they rested my head down.

The clock's bell sounded thrice, alerting me of the time. My throat was sore, but I fought through it.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, imitating Rin's voice... "... It's snack time!"

If we could ever be reborn... Let's play again.

The blade came down.


I saw a note fly from his hand and I picked it up as it hit the ground. Tearfully, I read it.

Put this note in the ocean for me.
I wish for the everlasting happiness of my twin sister, Rin of the Yellow Kingdom. And I hope that when we are reborn... We can play again.

Tears fell as I looked up to him.

The clock's bell sounded thrice, sounding the end of my Brother.

Finally the time has come...
As the bell's sound signals the end,
Not even bothering to look at the crowd,
You utter my favorite phrase.

In his final moments, Len said my favorite phrase, one he's heard me say several times...

"Oh! It's snack time!"

The blade came down....

I pulled my hood up and quietly sobbed as the crowd cheered.

"She certainly was the daughter of Evil!" said crowd members.

"Thank gosh she's dead!"

"Now we are free!" they exclaimed. I waited until it was cleared out.

I walked up to my brother... Full of tears, I looked at his head. It was separated from the rest of him.

"L-Len.... I'm so sorry," I said as I cried. "You would have done anything for me... And you did... So I'll do this for you... I'll put your wish in the ocean.........." I choked up and I could barely finish my thought. "R-rest in peace... L-Len...."

Then... I left with his wish.

Story of Evil Len and RinWhere stories live. Discover now