Chapter 20: Roman Sewick

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As he poured the gasoline over his next job, Roman wondered if this was really worth being doing to avoid the Mafia. They're so far away! They're in my home land, not here in America. Roman stared into the open wound on the man's chest. It was as if all of his hopes and dreams had spilled out of the small red gap. He had been well gone by the time Roman got there, he read his name tag. Apolinar. Roman liked the name, unusual to his culture but he liked how exotic it seemed to be. He wondered why his boss had wanted to kill him, judging by what he had seen moments before, his boss seemed insane. Roman had caught him talking to himself. Strange. He thought. Either  way Roman now had to finish his job, he didn't want to end up like Apolinar. He covered the whole depot in gasoline but beforehand he had disabled all of the security cameras, this meant he couldn't be caught on tape. He was well experienced when it came finishing jobs, he had did for the Mafia since he was twelve. He didn't think much of the panic that most people gained when fire was lit, he gained enjoyment and relaxation from the orange flowers which bloomed every time a flame appeared. He didn't get how people could be scared of something so beautiful, then again, he did have a nasty scar to remind him how it can go wrong.

He finished placing the last puddles and streams of gasoline around the depot and he had fled by the time the other train drivers arrived. The way he lit the gasoline was quite ingenious, he had a lit cigarette and placed it carefully on the door handle which lead into the clock in desk for the drivers. He had hidden Apolinar's body underneath a train so no one could find it. He sat atop a building not far from the depot, he saw as one of Apolinar's colleagues came to work and opened the door. Then, in a matter of seconds, the whole place was ablaze. The police and fire brigade were called to the scene by those who walked past the burning train depot.  He didn't take the life of anybody that day, he never wanted to. The only time he had was when he was forced. He had taken the lives of many people the day he set afire to the art school, he regretted it deep down in his core. His heart sank every time he thought about the incident. He had once took the life of someone in LA by his own hands and not fire, he had left a note after he finished the job. He was impressed with himself. He still hadn't been caught. He was beginning to wonder if spring would shed new light on that case, although, the investigation had been open for a while now and it had already changed hands many times. He reminisced over how he was sent to kill the person he was now working for by another person with the same name, he was now piecing things together. Wait, if Tomas Duke sent me to kill a Jack Herring, then why would another Tomas Duke send me to kill the original Tomas Duke? Roman knew he had recognised his new boss, he didn't realise until then who it was. He couldn't kill for this man, he worked for the law. He had to tell the original Tomas Duke that someone else was working in his name.

Roman set off sprinting across town, he knew he couldn't attract attention to himself but if he wanted to catch Tomas before he went to work, he knew he'd have to be quick. He had to swiftly move from street to street by foot, he had given the cab driver the money he would normally use to take the teen he had met home. He didn't regret it though, in his eyes he was watching over the city like he once did when working for the real Tomas Duke, cleaning the streets of whores and corrupt cops. Just like the lady he had helped kill at the dock and like the time he tried to kill Jack Herring. He was midway when he saw an old woman had dropped her shopping in the street, Roman skidded to a halt and helped the lady pick up her shopping. He knew this would delay him but he didn't care, before his mother died when he was 11, she had always told him to be helpful and be a gentleman, it was only when he had nowhere to go is when he worked for the Mafia. He began to get a little excited at the fact he was going to uncover a once corrupt cop to a very powerful person who could really make him pay. He began to start running again after helping the old lady, he was only a mile away now. He couldn't stop now, he was hell-bent on uncovering his new boss. 

He arrived at the building of Tomas Duke and began frantically buzzing his apartment.
"What?" Tomas said through the speaker
"It's Roman! The guy you hired!" Roman was going to make it really obvious he deserved to be in jail and Tomas knew that.
"Okay! Enough said, I'm letting you in!" Tomas opened the door and Roman set off climbing the stares like a demon to an open soul. He reached Tomas apartment and began banging on the door as hard as his tired body would let him. Tomas opened the door and let him in. They began to exchange a conversation about the current situation with Jack Herring.
"You know what we have to do, don't you?" Tomas asked Roman with a demented look in his eyes
"No" Roman answered hesitantly 
"We'll have to kill him, he can't be going around using my name!" Tomas said. A little extreme for the use of a name. Roman thought
"Boss ca-" Roman was cut off by Tomas
"Please call me Tomas, we're aren't on business terms any more" Tomas had a little look of happiness in his eye
"Ok, Tomas, is this really over him using your name?"
"No, Roman, he is polluting LA, also, he framed my poor father for something he didn't do"
"Which was? If you don't mind me asking"
"He convicted him for rape when he was innocent"
"Oh, well then"
"Yeah, oh" After that conversation Tomas grabbed a pistol and lead Roman out of the door, they got in his car and began to search the vast city, LA. 

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