Chapter 2

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Ravens face turned red,
RAVEN-What are you doing here!
ROBIN-Ummmmm... I... Was just.. Ummm...
RAVEN- Where you spying on me! Ugh!
ROBIN- What? No! Never! Its just...
Ravem didnt let him finish, she was shaking! She couldent control her emotions!
Raven went NUTS!!!
RAVEN-Azarath Metro Zinthos!
ROBIN-Raven, No!
The whole room went black with her power. She hit Robin again, and again. Her book shelf fell on the ground, her bed broke in half, the light bulbe smashed!
ROBIN-Raven! Stop!
Suddenly Cyborg, BB and Starfire rushed into Ravens room...
BB and Starfire helped Robin, he was in pain... He was bleeding. Cyborg shooted on the mirror and it fell on Raven. The blackness in the room sucked back into Raven.Cyborg took her, she was unconscious.
Robin had a cut on his lip and a brused arm, it did hurt but he wasnt angry at Raven, he went into her room without permition and made her angry
ROBIN- Its all my fault... If i wouldent interrupt her every thing would be fine
STARFIRE- No its not, RAVEN has to control her emotions, any way shes allways like that mean and all.
CYBORG- Hey! Dont say that! You have no right for saying that about her. Just because at your planet everybody is soooo nice and sweet to eachother doesnt mean Raven is the bad one!
BB-Ye, shes just after killing her father, shes tired. You should respect that!
STARFIRE - Ugh! I was just trying to chear Robin up!
CYBORG- Well you didnt do a good job
Starfire went off pisses!
STARFIRE- Gosh, i cant believe shes still in the titans, and she still didnt die, after all of this!
DIE, DIE, SHE STILL DIDNT DIE the words echode trough her mind, then she remembered. Raven is conected to this special thing in Cyborgs room, if Starfire would blug it out, Raven would wakeup immedately, being in shock, shed be too weak to control her breathing, emotions and powers and SHE may DIE!

That was the best plan ever, Ravem will pay for hurting  Robin...
Starfire waited for the boys to get some pizza, and then she could do the rest.
Starfire went to Cyborgs room, there she was the Sleeping Bitch, She went up to Ravem and studied every single button and wire
CYBORG- someone got into my room! I can sence it, we gotta go back!
BB- No Pizza?!

Thanks for reading, third chapter is gonna be even better!

Robin x Raven - Both of us know itOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz