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Hello to you faces! I'm so sorry about the really long wait for another chapter on "The story of Ianite" I was too busy on vacation, writing this, and life. But I hope this will make up for it! As you can tell this is a CaptainSwan Fanfic from the TV series Ouat, not Ianite, but don't worry! I'm still writing that! Sooo.. Yee, I hope you enjoy this story as much as my other one!
"Emma, Emma wake up Sweetheart." My eyelids fluttered open half away, not yet able to fully comprehend the scene in front of me. "Darling, today is a big day. You need to get yourself out of bed."

I moaned, "Come on Daddy, it's too early." I turned, laying on my stomach, burying my head into my pillow. 

I heard a soft chuckle, "you do realize that when you're queen, you'll have to get up much earlier." I felt him sitting down on my bed, leaning over me.

"And you realize," I yawned, turning over, facing him, "that I'm not queen yet."

"Just wait a few more days, then all of that will change." My dad leaned down and kissed my forehead, "Now get up."

I sighed, rolling my eyes, "Fine."

My dad stood up from my bed, and shut the door as he left the room.

I rolled out of bed and walked over to my wardrobe, seeking out a ballgown to where for the day. I chose a light red dress that had sleeves draping just below my elbow. It had the usual tight corset that hugged my curves, showing my figure quite well. But my favorite part about it was the sparkle on the neckline. It made a beautiful pattern that swept down below my arms. It was by far one of my favorite dresses.

I walked over to my vanity and started brushing the knots out of my hair, which had quite a few.

"Do you need any help darling?" I looked in the mirror and saw my mother standing in the doorway, looking as beautiful as ever.

"That would be fantastic! I must have slept well, these knots in my hair just don't want to come out!" My mother laughed and walked over to me, taking the brush from my hand. "You look nice... As always." My mother was wearing a dazzling cream colored dress that laid perfectly on her body.

"Why thank you, I can say the same about you." My mother started smiling, looking at my reflection . I loved her smile, it was so warm and welcoming. No wonder she was one of the most adored queens. Something I could never be. Oh god, I needed to leave, clear my head.


"Yes my love?"

"What duties do I have today? I know that I have to keep planning the coronation, but will I have any time for myself?"

My mother sighed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking through my agenda, "I don't believe you will have any time over the course of the day, but you could probably leave for an hour before any of your activities start."

"So I can leave now?" I smiled, hoping to receive a 'yes'.

"Yes," I smiled even brighter at my accomplishment, "I suppose you could leave now."

"Oh, thank you mother!" I kissed her forehead and walked back over to my wardrobe, I couldn't go out dressed like this.

"Just please be back within the hour, you still have your duties." I heard her heels against the marble floor, then my door shut.

I dressed into a simple white blouse and brown leather pants, along with my favorite brown robe that I always wore when going into town. I didn't want to stand out, or have people crowd me while taking walks. Which was one of the many faults of being royalty.
When I got down to the stables, I picked out the prettiest steed in the barn... my steed.

"Well, hello there Collifer. It's such a pretty day, wouldn't you like to go for a ride?" I started to pet his beautiful white mane, running my fingers through it's silky hair. He simply neighed in agreement. "Well, alright then."

I put the saddle upon his back, and swung myself onto it. I gripped the reins to position myself, properly straddling him.

"That's a good boy, Collifer, good boy. Now let's go into town, shall we?"
And then we were off.
Hello dearies! I hope you enjoyed my introduction into this lovely story, and I hope you will stay tuned for more chapters to come! Please leave in the comments if you enjoyed, and stuff like that! Love ya!

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