Chapter 30

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Niki's Pov: 

A bait? What kind of devious mind does he have, anyway? So far, the mayor just tied me up in a chair, and trash talks about Michael. Although, the mayor did have a point that Michael kept secrets from me; secrets that could be a bit scary, yet it would be hard to understand. Maybe that's why Michael doesn't want me to know more about him. I would be ashamed of it, but now is not the time to be angry at Michael.

So once again, I struggled to get out, but knots were too tight. I wish I could use my powers, but I'm lacking energy here. After all from finding Michael,  getting thrown inside a mini van, and get all tied up, I feel like I've had enough adventure. I lost all of my energy, my strength, and my concentration, because I felt like no one is coming to save me. I thought maybe Michael made a mistake on being with me, and wouldn't deserve to be in all of this. Maybe that's what Michael's thinking. What I don't don't understand is that how is Michael called  "The Maestro?" Whatever happens, I want to find out. And the only thing that I could get answers, is from the devilish mayor. 

Anyway, he straightened himself up after he told me that he was using me as bait. "So," he finally spoke, as he was fixing his glasses. "I bet you're wondering why I couldn't give up my revenge on the Maestro, eh?" 

I arched my eyebrows at the mayor, to give him his answer. He smirked and continued, "Well since he humiliated me once, I decided to take a stab at it, by having the public's eye to turn against him. And once I hunt him down," he paused a bit, laughing viciously as his smirk gets wider. "I will take his powers, and use it on my own. Then, I will use him as a zoo animal, to show the world how pathetic he is, and how it feels to be humiliated." 

I'm never felt so disgusted, in my life. This no good mayor; trying to hurt Michael by using social media, and to belittle him. I could not believe this! Michael is nothing but a gentle soul. Suddenly, an urge of anger went through to me. I actually burned the gag from my mouth, using my heat breath, "UN... FREAKIN'... BELIEVABLE," I yelled, in frustration and anger. 

The mayor stepped back in alarmed; afraid that he saw the true me. His face was a bit pale, but he returns to his usual expression. However, I didn't lose my confidence as he made that cruel face. What I don't understand is that how can he not give into fear. Guess since I'm a girl, he thinks that my powerless, and pretty much of a goodie two shoes, from him. What a punk?! 

"I pity you," I finally said. "After what you've been through with Michael, you still don't want to give up on your revenge. You can't look through his eyes; the same innocent eyes that you think are fake. You never even let him get to know the real  him. Michael has already has enough hate already, that you just crossed the line with him. Why can't you just give the time to think, before you judge someone?" 

The mayor shakes his head in disbelief, and laughs. I can't believe it, I thought. Why can he not understand anything that I have to say? 

Then, he stops laughing and grins at me. "You just don't understand huh, deary," he said it, so cold. "He's not even human?! The maestro made you think that he's human." The mayor steps towards me, and continue, "You think he is actually human, just because he acts differently and not only that, the maestro turns himself into a human?" He shakes his head again. "I think I'm the one who should pity, on you." 

I narrowed my eyes at him and struggled to break free, one more time. "You sicken me, you know that," I growled. 

"You're only saying that, because you're trying to protect him. You're just like him," he laughs a bit. "No one else cared for you, so you're just looking for another person, who is just like you. You're just another freak, who just wants live a normal life. You're lonely and helpless, yet you found the same person who's like that." 

He went up close to my face with his. I didn't back away, like the first time. "Do you ever think that you need help, because right now," laughs silently. "you're acting clueless." 

"I will never back down from you, and nor am I convinced," I said, in hushed tone. "I'm perfectly sane and perfect the way I am. But from you on the other hand," I paused a bit, and spat at his face. "I think you're one of those sick people, who can't help himself." 

The mayor wiped his face with his handkerchief, which was inside his suit pocket. After that, his face reddened and growled, "YOU... YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" 

He was about to slap me in the face, until a voice shouted across the room. "Don't you dare hurt my Niki!" 

I moved my head around for a better look, and there he is... my hero...

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