Chapter 31

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Michael's POV: 

My hair was blowing in the wind, as I entered the hall. I figured that the mayor took Niki to my old home. My mansion. I narrowed my eyes at the mayor. He looks a bit shock, but he contained it with his evil smirk. I wish I could just scare him away, for good. I took few steps toward the mayor and Niki, and frowned. "So you picked this as a hostage area, huh," I spoke, with deep hatred. "You would know that this was my home, and yet you decided to trespass." 

"Well, well," the mayor said, as he was also taking few steps toward me. "Long time, no see huh, Maestro?" 

"Cut this nonsense, will you? You have no right to trespass my home, and you have no right to take my girlfriend as bait." 

"Oh c'mon, Maestro," he said, while laughing. "You're making this sweet girl delusional; to think that you love her, and the fact that you're a fake." 

"She's not delusional," I yelled, as I was trying to cut to the chase, to make sure the mayor wouldn't say any further. "You think that I'm a freak, because of the way that I look. Not only that, you think having powers give destruction. Pffft you're wrong. You looked at it, the wrong way."

"Pfft what do you care, anway," asked the mayor, who crossed his arms and frowned a bit.

I walked a couple more steps toward him slowly, and sang, "I'm gonna be,
exactly what you gonna see. So did you come to me, to see your fantasies? Performed before your very eyes?"

I walked around him, ands started snapping my fingers. I continued singing forth. "A haunting ghostly treat. The foolish trickery. And spirits dancing, in the light."

Niki was looking at me, as if I were trying to do something that is crazy. I smirked at the mayor a bit devilish, and continued, "But if you came to see, the truth the purity. It's here inside a lonely heart." Then, I walked a few paces back away from them, and sang out, "So let the performance start!"

I had my fist in the air, and paused for a bit until I sang, "Is that scary for you, baby?"

Suddenly, wind start blowing and ghosts were flying around, all over the place. They were roaming around around rapidly, and they were going in and out of walls. They weren't just any ghosts, though. They are my family. Then, I sang a loud the rest of the few lyrics. "Am I scary for you? Is it scary for you baby?"

After I sang the last two phrases my family stopping flying around, and descended upon the ground. With every swift and grace, they landed one by one. When they finally stand behind me, I sang the  last three phrases. "Is it scary for you? You know the stranger is you! Is it scary for you baby?"

Niki's POV: 

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Michael's performance. It was like he turned everything into his own stage, and revealed that his secret talent. He may be a ghost in human form, but I'm captivated by everything from him. Though, I am tied to a chair and no longer have a gag in my mouth, but I couldn't talk or move.

After he sang the last three phrases of his own song, he made a loud whooping sound, and throw his arms in the air. It looked like he was out of breath from singing. Anyway, he was trying to show how angry he is that the mayor had caused him. All the pain that he dealt, he had to runaway. But when he returned, he had a new confidence and couldn't stand his loved ones to get hurt. Michael has a new persona, but is still the same person that I know for a long time.  

As I see Michael narrowing his eyes at the mayor, the mayor just stood there with an expressionless face. The mayor was hesitant for a moment, but then let out a silent chuckle. "And just what is so funny," Michael asked, in demand.

"You think you can scare me," the mayor finally said. "Do you think that performance you displayed is supposed to frighten me? It's more like you're trying to impress me."

Michael growled and his eyes glowed bright silver. That I have not seen before, in my life. Michael would never let his eyes glow like that, when he's really angry. Then, his voice began a bit deep and dark. "You think I'm a joke, to you? Well you are gonna pay for what you done to me and my family!"

Michael points at the mayor and motioned his family to attack him. When they tried to charge the mayor however, he brought out this weird, bright green stone that was glowing. The ghosts were already on the floor, and holding their chests. Michael's eyes widened, and began to feel weak. From the presence of that stone, it looks like Michael was powerless. "Looks like your tactic doesn't work, I would say," he grinned at Michael's agony.

"You... you brought this upon me," Michael said, as he was holding his chest, and kneeling down on the ground. I still wanted to break free, but I'm too upset to see this. "Michael, no," I yelled.

The mayor turns around to face me, and said, "Your freaky boyfriend is useless now, dearie. He cannot save you, thanks to this little mechanism in my hand."

Michael was growing in pain, and I couldn't stand seeing him like this. I cannot lose him. He already opened up to me, to show me what true love is. He struggles to look up and said, "Please... Don't hurt my Niki. She means so much to me."

"You're right," the mayor, said. "In fact, she can watch you suffer, until you disintegrate in thin air."

"No, Michael," I cried out.

As Michael continues to cry out in pain, I was crying out loud while the mayor laughs evilly. This futile must end, now! Then, I had a flashback of every memory that I had. From the time when my parents found out about me, to the point where I was lonely in my life, it was paining me inside. I could not go back to the old life that I was living in. I had already lost my grandfather, and he was the only one who cared for me, Not only that, he accepted me for who I really am. The only person that was left was Michael, and the mayor is trying to make him suffer.

Every raging moment, I start to boil up and my eyes began to glow bright green. The mayor turned around and saw me. His eyes were wide open, as I opened up to new potentials of my powers. I broke free from the grasp of the knots, that had been holding on to me the longest. I stood up  and narrowed my eyes. Michael saw me and was motionless. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing, either. It looks like I'm about to scare the mayor, for good.

I'm sorry that is has been very long, but I had some issues which I'm not gonna explain. I already started senior year in high school, and I'm still trying to adjust. The good news is that I'm trying to get back into writing, and I'm taking a creative writing class. That way, I'll get new ideas and keep inspiring, everyday. Please keep up-to-date with my fanfics and my posts, while I'm trying to come up with new ideas.


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