1: I am Frank Iero and I'm in love with Gerard Way

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~this is my first story so sorry if it sucks ~stay beautiful, keep it ugly

Frank's POV

I am Frank Iero and I'm in love with Gerard Way the most popular kid in school, and I've loved him since I first met him when I first started high school, he is very beautiful. but who am i kidding he'll never love me. I am ugly and stupid and I definitely don't deserve Gerard. And I don't care if he bullies me.

"Frankie honey wake up or you'll be late for school" My Mom Linda says

"Alright Mom I'm getting up" I say smiling at her

She smiles and walks back downstairs

I sigh and climb off my bed and get dressed in my black misfits shirt and dark gray skinny jeans, my black hoodie and I grab my red converse and walk downstairs.

"Hey Frank do you mind if you could walk home today?" Mom asks

"Why? do you have to work late again?" I ask I never ride on the school bus because of one very fucking annoying motherfucker
Patrick Fuckwit Stump ugh he's so damn annoying and second I get bullied a lot mostly by Gerard and his horrible friends, Bert McCracken, Pete Wentz the little fucking traitor he turned on me.and lastly Brandon Fucking Flowers he has such a gay name.

"Frank! you're zoning out again did you hear anything I said?" Mom asks me I shake my head no and she sighs

"Well your friends are here and I said I'm going on a date tonight that's why I can't pick you up" Mom says ugh mom and her stupid fucking monthly boyfriends. I love my mom and all but fuck! She always gets abused and I hate seeing her hurt.those fucking pricks...anyways I zoned out again. And she looks fucking pissed the fuck off so yea....I'm going to die ...I don't wanna die today at least not until me And Gerard are married and have a couple kids and I...never mind I sound creepy obsessed I know. But I can't help it he's so god damn sexy mm mm. One time when I was at Mikey's and I went into Gerard's room and sniffed his coffee and cigarettes scent off his bed and blankets. What? He's smells so good. -mental creepy ass smile- mm him I know I kinda am creepy heh heh and no I don't stalk him. Maybe I do sometimes but he'll never like me. Oh shit mom is super pissed now. oh damn she is going to cut me up into little tiny fucking pieces, put me into a shark tank and let them fucking eat my god damn flesh.. So yeah I better get my short ass on my fucking way before I die slowly and painfully by my Mom.

I run out the door,while hearing my Mom screaming my name. I put on my shoes, grabbed my backpack and started walking to school.

I see Mikey, Ray, Bob, and Brendon all walking too, so I decide that I'm going to scare them a bit. Haha motherfuckers you won't even see it coming to ya. I walk up behind them and I pull out my pocket knife. I approach Mikey, I walk up behind him and put my knife against his throat.

"Give me all of your money!" I say haha they'll total murder me in my sleep while I dream of Gerard.

"What the fuck short stack?!" Mikey and Ray both ask at the same fucking time. Brendon just fucking screams. hahaha but he can be a wuss a times, but we all still love him.

"I wanted to scare you Mikes" I tell him. I sigh

"Well it fucking worked a-" Mikey gets cut off by Ray

"Mikey fucking way stop fucking cursing you're only 15 for fucking sakes!" Ray yells,

"Wow Raymond you're cursing at me for fucking cursing so shut the fuck up princess fro fro!" Mikey yells at ray so Jesus somebody is on their period's I mentally giggle at my own joke.

What a loser. You talk to yourself in your own head you're crazy.

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