Chapter 6

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The little monster I call my alarm screeched and squealed as I jumped out of bed, smacking the OFF button on that annoying thing.


Was that conversation a dream?

I know the nightmare with... Him was, but.

I grabbed my phone quickly and checked my Twitter. The blank, white screen making me feel more anxious as the loading circle kept turning and turning. The circle finally stopped turning and, guess what? The conversation was real.

your_superhero might be him.

I jumped out of my safe bed to face the real world. I feel so exited today because I can't get my mind off of him and your_superhero. Usually I'm not a morning person. Hell, I'm not even a day person. But, today was different. No amount of Diamond's insults could get to me. I might have been happy for once, but depression just has to kick me in the ass and say, "Nope, no happiness for Honor." Anyway, I opened my small closet and picked out ripped jeans, a black shirt that says 'Paramore' and a black sweater. Before I put the black sweater on, I looked at the red lines littered across my arm. The angry, red lines, marking my inward battles... Why did I do this to myself? Well, used to. I stopped, for him. I thought maybe he is looking at me now, sad that I'm harming myself. I convinced myself that he would be disappointed if he died for such a weak girl like me. But, the cuts are still red and very much visible, so I need to cover them. For the sake of not getting bullied even more than I already am. After putting on my black and white Converse, I went to my bathroom.

Damn, is this bathroom always cold?
I thought to myself. After brushing through my wild, long hair, I splashed water on my face so I looked a bit more presentable and not look like a zombie. When I came out of the cold bathroom, Winter jumped on me, licking my face. When people say that dogs are anti-depressants, they are right. Winter made me feel so loved. She made me feel important, like if it wasn't for me she probably wouldn't have a home.
Ok, enough with my stupid thoughts.
I walked to my bedside drawer and opened the bottle that read Vyvance, it's a kind of anti-depressant. I put one in my hand, popped it in my mouth, and swallowed it dry. I usually dry swallow pills because I'm too lazy to get a cup of water. As I put the bottle down, I glanced at my clock and saw it read 7:25. Shit, I'm going to miss the bus. I quickly rubbed Winter's head as of to say goodbye and ran through the house. I ignored that woman's shouts to not run in the house. I grabbed an apple and swung my backpack on my shoulders as I darted out the door. As soon as I got on the bus, I regretted the decision of going to school. Sitting in the back of the bus was none other than the "Queen of the School" Diamond.

Of course she just had to pick this bus to go on. Diamond usually goes to school in one of her many expensive cars, but sometimes she goes on the bus. I don't know why, but I think I have a pretty good idea of why she came this time. I tried to make my way to my seat without being spotted. I'm trying to make this day a good day. I don't want any of Diamond's comments to get to me. I thankfully made it to my seat without being targeted. Now just to get through the school day so I can talk to your_superhero. I can't stop thinking about the guy on Twitter and how he made me feel. Happy. A stranger made me feel like I had at least one person alive on this earth that cares about me.


The school bus stopped and all of the students started to walk out. I got up and quickly made it to the front of the bus. Whatever Diamond wanted to do with me on this bus ride, she couldn't do. I let out a sigh of relief as I made to the school doors without anyone bothering me. Maybe today was going to be a good day for me. I walked with a slight bounce to my locker, receiving weird looks from everyone, but I didn't care. Today was going to be a good day. I grabbed the proper books for first and second period. History and Math. The bell rang and I made my way to the history class room. I felt the stares of people bore into the side of my head, but I was used to it. You get stared at a lot when your the freak of the school. But, like I said many times before, the stares and whispers didn't affect me today. But, maybe Diamond will, so I am determined to steer clear of her. I sat in my seat and waited for the history teacher to come in and start the lesson.

~another timeskip because why not~

I made my way to my third period class. What? Oh yea. I skipped the math lesson because who wants to read about a math lesson? Anyway, third period, music. I love music, mostly because of the teacher, Mr. Dahlberg. He's so funny and crazy, and he's young. I think he's 28 or something. He also has, well will have, a son and wife. I met her before, she's really nice. Her name's Alesa and she's perfect. I walked into the room and was greeted by Mr. Dahlberg.
"Welcome mortal, to the awesome class of I, Mr. Dahlberg!"
"Hey, Mr. Dahlberg," I said while smiling.
"Ok, enough chatter, to your seat young one!" He said while pointing to a seat in the front row.
"Are you sure? Don't you want me to sit in the back?" I said. I know I said I love music, but I don't like participating in it.
"Honor, I know you are are scared, but you just gotta grab that stupid depression by the balls and show it who's boss," he said to me while doing a grabbing motion. I let out a small laugh and said," I'll try Mr. Dahlberg, and thank you for all of your support."
"Your welcome kiddo," he said while ruffling my hair. I walked to my seat and class began.

~another godamn timeskip because I'm lazy af~

"Oshieto, oshieto," I sang softly along with the music from my headphones. Unravel always gets me. I think it's one of my favorite anime theme songs. Yes, I like anime, but I don't get to watch it as much as I used to. I walked up to my home and twisted the door knob. Locked. Probably that woman who left to go get a manicure or something instead of paying taxes. I picked up a potted plant and grabbed the spare keys. I put the silver key inside of the hole and twisted the door knob. The door opened and revealed my living room. I stepped inside of the house and was greeted by a very excited Winter. The white pup jumped in my arms and licked my face. I embraced her tiny body and caressed her head. I put my fluffy companion down and she started jumping around and barking. Playful little pup. I spent the next hour or so chasing Winter and just enjoying the time I had with my loyal companion. I truly love this dog. I love her cute nose and the way she acts so excited when she sees me. She cares for me, so I will care for her. I hopped on the couch and huggled little Winter. We stayed there for a good thirty minutes when we were interrupted by my phone. I reached out and grabbed the cellular device. I unlocked the phone and saw it was a message from, your_superhero.



So, I don't really have a good excuse for not updating early...


CAMP! Yeah I have camp. It's like a day camp so I won't really be able to update during week days, I mean maybe. But i definitely have time to update during the weekends so that's why I'm updating today, because it's Sunday. And I have nothing better to do.


ANYWAY! What did you think of the chapter?




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