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That night before the concert I change clothe making sure to put a jacket on (A/N: she the outfit on the right) and stand backstage, when halfway through 5sos's set I spot one of my only friends in the audience. I only have three. I start to walk out the stage door and into the audience Harry grabs my arm.
"Where are you going?" He ask.
"To the audience to talk to a friend." I say.
Zayn looks at me when I say that and says,
"Bring them back here."
He never gets to meet any of my friends so, he probably just wants to say hi.
As I walk out the backstage door the security guard who's seen me a million and one times ask,
"Leaving so soon Jessica?"
"No sir, I'm going to get a friend then il be back. See you in a few Eddie" I say.
I walk into the Audience and over to where Tara stands.
She sees me and immediately hugs me.
"Oh my god! I didn't think you liked the bands!" She screams at me.
"You do realize that Niall, Luke, and Michael go to school with us right?" She looks at me blankly like she didn't know, "Whatever, just come with me."
"But I'd give up my spot" She whines.
"Do you want front row? Or backstage?" I ask.
She screams and follows me. Holding on to my hand as I pull her over to Eddie.
"I'm back Eddie." I say.
"Your brothers about to go onstage, might want to go wish him luck Jessica" Eddie says and lets us backstage.
"So you casually know the security guard?" Tara ask.
I nod my head and tell her to stand back by the rope for a minute.
I walk over to Zayn and hug him from behind.
He manages to turn around and hug back.
"Good luck" I say.
He smiles and I walk off, back to Tara.
"Now you know Zayn? Okay, how many of the boys can you actually introduce me to that you know?" She ask.
"All" I say.
"Oh lord! How did you get so lucky?!" She ask.
I laugh.
"Michael and I had class together and I was late for lass on day so the teacher assigned us to do the project together and we became friends." I say.
She screams until the stage manager shushes her then the two of us just start laughing.
Until her face goes completely serious, I turn and see what she's looking at.
Five Seconds Of Summer is done performing and walking out way.
I walk over and hug them, Luke being the last and also the longest hug.
I take Luke by the hand as I pull him over to Tara (A/N: Tara's wearing outfit on left) she just looks at me as I release his hand.
"I thought you were joking!" She says.
She just kinda walks up and hugs Ashton.
I laugh at her.
"Tara, let Ashton go" I say.
Ashton just looks at me.
He laughs and hugs her back.
Ashton has always been Tara's favorite out of 5sos and Louis her favorite 1D.
Tara finally lets go and casually walks back over to my side.
"Give us five minutes to change out of our stage clothe, then meet us in the snack room." Calum says.
They go to the dressing room and we go to the snack room.
"So who would you call yours?" Tara ask me as we set down on the floor.
"That's easy, Luke and Niall are mine." I say.
"Em- how far have you been with them?" She ask.
"Niall and I haven't really done anything yet."
"Well, the boys kind of walked in on us both shirtless (I had a bra on though) making out on the couch of 5sos's tour bus. Then just this morning I was going tonged dressed in the bathroom while he was taking a shower but he had to get out of the shower to unlock the door and that turned in to a full on kissing session. Him completely naked me fully dressed." I say.
"Well it sounds to me you know who you'll end up with." She says.
"Neither if Zayn has his way" I mumble.
She doesn't know Zayn's my brother yet.
"Luke's body- 1-10?" She ask.
"Above 10" I say.
"Really?" She questions.
" It's beyond belief!" I say.
She starts laughing and I join in.
"What's so funny?" Luke ask as the boys join us.
We laugh harder.
They just start grab snacks.
Tara leans into me and whispers,
"I can totally picture it. Perfect body, and I bet perfect ass too!"
"Aye!" I say and smack her arm.
"Ow" She whines.
I laugh at her weakness.
"It wasn't that hard, get over yourself T."
"It was to hard!" She yells.
The boys finished getting their snacks and look at us.
They set on the couch on the opposite side of the room.
"I can't believe you actually know them! And One Direction!" She says.
"My brothers Zayn Malik" I finally say.
"Oh My God!" She basically screams.
"My full names Jessica Taylor Malik not just Jessica Taylor" I say.
"You kept that from me! You know I love them!" The boys keep eyeing us so I have Tara hush her voice.
"Want to go mess with Eddie?" Tara ask, "The security guard guy?"
I think. What would we even do to mess with Eddie, except complain about teenage girl problems.
I'm just about to agree when my brother and his friends walk in. Concerts over.
Niall grows a pair and sets down with us girls.
"Hi, I'm Niall" He says to Tara.
She just looks at him to shocked to even talk.
"Sorry Ni, she's a fan. This is Tara." I say.
"What were you talking about before I came up." Niall ask.
"Messing with Eddie" I fill him in.
"Let's do it!" Niall says excitedly.
I stand up and say,
"Well I'm in, but don't you have dumb ass meet and greets."
"That can wait, this is sure to be fun"
We all stand up and start to walk out when Luke says,
"Where are you guys going?"
We fill them in and Michael, Luke, and Harry join us.
We find Eddie napping in the backstage break room.
"Somebody go find a bucket and fill it with water, someone else go find a rope." Tara says.
Tara's good at pranking people so...
Harry and Niall go to find what she said while Luke and Michael stay with us.
Luke grabs a marker and draws on a mustache and other things.
When the boys come back with what ask she sets it up.
Except she has Luke hold the rope while Niall and Harry gold me up cheerleader style and I put the thing set up so it will work.
One I'm done I look at Luke, he looks jealous, then it hits me Niall has his hand on my butt so...
Michael walks over and helps me down, cradling me in his arms before he completely lets me stand on my own.
"You look happy for once" He says.
"I am" I say.
We rejoin everyone else in the snack room.
"We were about to head out to our bus if you want to join?" Liam says.
"Oh, we're all going to our bus, even 5sos and he's asking you if you want to join. I don't know your name." Louis says.
Tara nods and we go out to One Directions bus.
Niall and I set in the dining area laughing and talking.
"So what's the story behind you and Tara" He ask.
"I kind of pranked Tara 'by accident' because she use to be such a bitch. We became friends because of it though." I say.
He laughs.
"Tara was a bitch. That sad I can imagine that" He says.
We laugh and talk until I spot Luke looking over at us.
I go quiet then.
I walk over and tell Luke to follow me.
I walk to the back over the bus and he sets down on the chair.
I set on his lap facing him.
Leaning in I kiss him.
However he breaks the kiss.
"You really want to do this with your brother here?" He ask.
"Fuck Zayn right now." I say and lean in kissing him again.
We stop just in time for Tara to walk back there.
"Oh Uh, Jessica can I borrow you?" She ask.
Tara ends up going home and us back to our bus.

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