Stranded ( A One Direction Fan Fiction)

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I woke up to Lia bouncing up and down on my bed.

"GET UP ALREADY!" she yelled at me.

" What time is it?" I moaned.

"3:30 or so." she said smirking.


" The cruise, remember?" she said obviously hurt by my outburst.

" I'm sorry." I said.

" It's okay. Can we go now?" she said.

I laughed. " Yes of course. Let me get dressed and stuff first! Are Leila and Kaylea up and ready?" I asked.

"YES!!!" she said. And left my bedroom so I could get ready. She's 19 , same as me but she acted like she was 2.

I got up and pulled on the outfit I had sat out yesterday. I put my hair up into a messy ponytail on the nape of my neck and put on some mascara and eyeliner. I grabbed my already packed bags and walked into the living room to see that they were all standing by the door eager to leave.

" Hold your horses!" I say " Are you sure that u got everything u need for the next 2 weeks?"

" YES!!!!" they all say in unison.

"Can we go now?" Leila says impatiently.

" Ya." I say.

And with that we leave and head to the car.


" We have room 3458 and 3459." I say." Me and Kaylea will take one room and u and Lia will take the other." I say.

" We will take room 3458." Leila says quickly and we all roll our eyes. Leila loves the number 8

cause it has Symmetry.

We headed down the hallway to find our rooms. We found them quite easily after asking 12 employees to help us. We went into our rooms and got settled in after me and Kay were done we went into Lia's room and saw that they were putting up a few One Direction posters. They couldnt live one day without looking at them.

Lia can't say one sentence without Liam being in it.

Leila does the same thing just it's about Harry. Kaylea likes Louis and everyone says she acts like him. Everyone says he's sassy and if that's true then hell ya she acts like him.

As you can probably tell I know NOTHING about them. I'm not in love with them like my friends are. The only one I think is remotely cute is the blond Irish one... What's his name now...uh.. Nick? No...Nile? Ya that's it but I think it's spelt Niall... Like I said i don't kno ANYTHING about them....

"Come on. I'm hungry let's go have lunch!" I say smiling.

"Of course your hungry." Kaylea mumbles, rolling her eyes.


After lunch we decided to see a movie at the indoor theatre. We got our drinks and I got my popcorn and candy.

"Oh my gosh Izzy how can u eat so much and stay so skinny?" Lia complained looking at her plump tummy.

" I don't know." I say honestly.

We walk in not even realizing that we didn't see what movie we were watching.

When we get in the movie is already started and I started walking toward front and we end up sitting in the middle of the 4th row. We are sitting right behind five guys in the third row.

I start to watch the movie I noticed it was Lia's favourite Disney movie, Toy Story.

The guy directly in front of Leila starts busting out laughing for no apparent reason. Then the guy in front of Kaylea tells the laugher to shut up and the laughing guy stopped quickly.

I couldn't help but giggle and the guy who laughed turned around and gave me a death glare.

I feel Leila and Kaylea tense up next to me. I gave them a confused look and mouthed what? And they just looked at me as if they were about to murder me and and freak out at the same time. Lia had no idea what was going on she had her eyes glued onto the screen.

Leila mouthed something but I couldn't quite understand it.

I mouthed bathroom, and we got up and went to the bathroom.

"OH MY FREAKING GOD DID U HAVE ANY IDEA WHO THAT WAS?!?!" Kaylea practically yelled at me.

" A bunch of jerk wads?" I ask. It sounds more like a question than a statement.

They both look at me with murderous looks.... Shit I'm dead...


Omfg.... One Direction?!?

"OH MY GOSH IM SORRY!!" I say realizing that they were going to murder me.

They ignore me and we walk back to the room and we are almost there when all say " Lia!" and run back the theatre and see Lia eyes still glued to the screen.

After the movie is over I force the girls to go back to our room without breaking out fangirling.


I woke up the next morning feeling good and rested. I looked at the clock on my phone and it said 3:49 PM.


I jumped up and ran in to the hallway and knocked on Leila and Lia's room door. They came and opened the door.

"What the fuck?!" I say the girls obviously know I'm mad.

" Why in the world would u let me sleep until 4 o'clock in the Afternoon?!"

Lia and Leila say what? Clearly confused. Then we all turn and look at Kaylea.

"Kaylea what did u do?" I asked calmly.

"Ikindatookurphonewhileuweresleepingandchangedtgetimeonitsoicouldplayajokeonyou." she managed to say in one LONG breath.


"You WHAT?", I said angrily. I like to sleep and eat a lot if u haven't noticed.

"Don't be mad at me, please Iz?", Kaylea said looking all sad.

"Ok jut PROMISE to NEVER do that again, ok?", I said feeling bad for yelling at her.

" Ok I promise.", Kaylea said standing up and walking over to give me a hug.

After I got dressed we went down stairs to the main deck and got some breakfast because it was really only 9:30 a.m. After we ate we went to see what else we could do on the cruise.

" Wow! Look Lia", Leila said excitedly, " They have a karaoke night at the bar tonight and Saturday!"

" We should go!" I say enthusiasticly.

We grabbed a brochure type thing that has all the activities on it. We go back up to our rooms and get ready for the karaoke thing tonight. By the time we were already we had 5 minutes to get there.

When we walked in Kaylea and I went and got me and us a table as Lia and Leila went and got us our drinks.

" One Gin in the rocks for Kaylea, a beer for Iz, a margarita for Leila and a margarita for me also.", Lia said, handing out our drinks.

Leila and Lia went up to the DJ to put in a request for the song they wanted to sing. They had to wait a while. There was only more person in front of them. He walked up to the stage an the music started..... And all the girls in the room screamed.

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