Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds."

Laurell K. Hamilton

I had the same nightmare again last night. I have bags under my eyes and Austin knows something is wrong. He won't stop asking me. I know he is just worrying about me. A lot of people are but I am fine. I really am.

I got up and walked towards the Austin. He was smiling. I jumped into his arms and placed my lips onto his.

"Ready for dinner?" He asked. I nodded and we walked to the café, hand in hand.

I could tell something was bothering Austin. Because he kept looking at me. I know that he is bothered by the fact I won't tell him what's up. But I can't risk people knowing. I just can't do it. If people know, Austin knew, it would cause such a... I don't know what would happen. I just know it won't be pretty.

I stopped and turned to him. "I am ok. Trust me when I tell you that I am fine. I just haven't got much sleep the past week or two. But I promise everything is fine." I smiled at him. He sighed and nodded. He placed his lips onto mine and we continued to walk to the café.

My bruises are still here. Two weeks, and they are still going strong. I think they are stronger than I am if you ask me. But I am strong too. It just proves that I am stronger than ever


We finished dinner and it was pretty late. I kissed Austin good night and walked into my dorm. I looked over and I see Damian sleeping. I sighed in relief.

I turned on the lamp and took off my clothes to change into pajamas.

I felt someone grab me and I jumped back. It was Damian. I gulped and shoved my shirt over my head. His eyes were glued on me.

"Who....." He started to say and I could tell he is beyond pist. "Who the hell did this to you?!" He added and tried to lift my shit. I shoved his hands away.

"It's nothing Damian." I said and walked over towards my bed. He grabbed my hand and turned me around.

"It does not look like nothing. Now tell me who did this to you." He demanded. He looked me into the eyes and I could see hurt and anger. Why would he be so angry?

"It's nothing ok. Just don't tell anyone. I am fine." I said and kissed his cheek. I laid in my bed and turned to look at the wall. Did I just kiss his cheek? I never done that before. Oh god.... He may hate me now....

I felt my bed dip down and I froze. It was quiet for a few minutes. I heard a sigh and, "If you don't want me to tell anyone I won't. But I want to know who did this to you. What I saw, looked like you was jumped or something."

I turned to face him. I looked at him and frowned. "I..... I can't tell you...." I gulped.

He shook his head and put his hand in mine. Electricity shot through my body. Our eyes met and I could see right through him.

He looked down at our hands and said, "I want you to trust me. I knew something was wrong when you wake up screaming. I.... I just don't want to see you hurt like this." He said and I nodded.

"I want to tell you. But I can't. It's just too hard.... I am okay. I really am." I said and turned back to look at the wall.

"Eric please. I care so much about you. More than I thought I ever would. But I can't see you hurt anymore. I want you to tell me now." He told me and I froze. My heart just melted. Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't hold them back. I don't know why I do this when I am around him. It's like he has this.... I don't know he just makes me let it all out.

I started crying and I leaned up and cried into his neck. He froze for a second but then wrapped his arms around me. He started rubbing my back and I got goosebumps all over.

"Let it out. It's going to be ok. I won't let no one hurt you." He whispered into my ear. This only made me cry harder.

I want to tell him so bad..... But Austin......Me..... But Damian said he wouldn't tell anyone. So maybe I can trust him to not tell anyone about this... He said he would protect me. Well basically he said that.

I gulped and said, "I was rapped."

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