I dare you to kiss rather maka or annie or both
Soul: there's alot of kissing going on -////-
Patty: -chants- do it,do it,do it
Annie:when did i get put into this
Maka: i will maka chop you all
Soul: -kisses maka-
Maka: -pulls away- -///////-
Soul: one down,one to go -grabs annie and kisses her-
Annie: -blushes and pulls away- bleh -wipes mouth-
Patty: -on the ground laughing-
Maka: ~Maaaaaaaakkaaaaa Choooooppp~ -chops patty-
Maka: ~Maaaaaaakkkkkaaaaa Choooooooppp~ -chops soul-
Annie: wow for once,im not getting chopped
Maka: they were getting on my nerves
Soul and patty: -on the ground bleeding- keep daring soul