Character Profile

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Name: Lyna Stark

Height: 5 foot 4

Age in story: 17

Hair color, length, style: Dark brown waves just below her shoulders, usually kept in one single braid

Physical Distinction: Her full lips and short statue

Favorite Color(s): White

Relationship (parents, siblings, others): She is a true daddy's girl but it is only because he allows her to be who she is (to a certain extent). She doesn't care for Catelyn because she's the reason she's ignored. She loves all her siblings but especially the younger ones.

Likes: Hanging with her brothers, sparing, spending time with her father, practicing with any weapon

Dislikes: Overly feminine gowns, spending time with her mother and Sansa, The Queen

Secret: She thinks her father locked her away because he hates her due to her mother's death.

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