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Lyna was the eldest and only child of her fallen father's first wife, Lady Farah of House Bennett of StormLands , and most people hadn't seen her or even knew she existed. The only people that truly knew her were her father, siblings, and step mother along with a few maidens.

Appearance wise she mostly took after her mother. She was shorter than her other siblings and had thick dark waves. Instead of paling she had a beautiful natural tan to her.

Her father kept her locked away in one of the rooms high on the castle for the most part...unless she snuck out in disguise. Ned had already lost his one true love to child birth and Lyna was the only reminded he had. If she died he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

When she climbed from her bedroom window she usually disguised herself as a boy just so no one would stare. Today she had gotten dirtier than expected and couldn't climb back up without possibly falling. Just as she turned the corner to head in the front of her own tower entrance her father caught her wrist. She turned and tried not to look too scared.

He seemed a bit upset but he couldn't yell at her, he never could. "Lyna you are suppose to be up there doing your studies like we talked about."

She sighed and wiggled out of his grip. "I've already done my studies for the day and it gets stuffy up there. I don't like to be alone, you know that."

Ned ran a hand over his face out of stress. "Go clean up please. You and your sisters are accompanying me to King's landing."

That's all Lyna needed to hear. She hugged her father close and disappeared off to her room to happily clean up and watch her maiden pack.

As she did so she couldn't help but wonder why she was allowed to travel out of the tower and so far. Hopefully she wasn't being taken into something blindly.

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