Chapter 11--My Hero, I think?

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Chapter Eleven

My Hero, I Think

The Child of Destiny

THIS is the hero-heart of the enchanted isle,

Whom now the twilight children tenderly enfold,…

While in the mountain’s breast his brothers watch and smile.

But in this dreaming boy, more subtle conquest planned…

Her heart in his laid bare…,

Watches with ardent eyes…;

George William (“A. E.”) Russell (1867–1935.

 Julius pulled my trembling body against his hard chest.   He threw his arms around me protectively, regardless of the fact that I was soaking his robe, and covering him with the tiny fish.  I was too hysterical to care who was holding me, or to care that I was standing there buck-naked.  The hundreds of tiny fish in my hair didn’t even cross my mind, either.  There are times in your life when how you are dressed—or undressed in my case—really doesn’t matter.  All that mattered was the fact that I was out of that horrid pool and safe from that demon swarm of fish.

   I cried with just sheer relief that I was safe.  In addition, all this crying and losing control of myself was just so not like me; but right now, that didn’t matter either.

“I could hear you all over the library upstairs,” Julius reprimanded Chloe as she came out of the pool. She was crying too, and trying to explain to Julius and me at the same time. Julius was arguing loudly with her.  I couldn’t seem to stop crying-- bawling like a baby would be a more apt description--against Julius’ chest.  The sounds echoing off the roof was ear piercing. 

   All of this noise, of course, attracted a lot of unwanted attention.

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