Chapter 1: The Baby is Born

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On Mount Olympus every God and Goddess was there drinking wine and laughing celebrating the birth of Erwin and Petra's son, Armin. Erwin and Petra laugh as they watch their son play and chew on his gold metal that was tied around his neck with red ribbon. As the party continues a God flew past everyone at speeds that only one God had.

"Whoa! Excuse me! Hot stuff coming through! Excuse me!" Said the blur in till it came to a stop in front of Petra. There fluttered a chocolate haired women with glasses holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Why, Hanji, they're lovely," Petra said taking the flowers.

"Yeah, you know, I had Orpheus do the arrangement. Isn't that too nutty?" Hanji sad flying over to Erwin.

"Hello Hanij! Long time no see huh?" Erwin said chuckling.

"Highya Erwin! I got to tell you, fabulous party. I haven't seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself." Chuckled Hanji. As Erwin and Hanji talk by the cradle Armin reached out and grabbed one of his Father's lightingbolts.

"Dear, keep those things away from the baby before he zaps himself." Petra warned her husband.

"Come dear! Let the boy have some fun why don't you!" Erwin answered. Armin then throws the lightingbolt into the crowed. Everyone ducks and runs in till Mike steps out and hits the bolt out into the sky with his sword.

"Kids got a good aim like his Father eh?" Mike laughed. Everyone laughed as well cheering and clapping. Armin yawned and Erwin tucked his boy in. Erwin then said in a hushed voice to Armin.

"My little boy." Then kissed his head. Everyone awed.

"How sentimental." Came a dark voice from the corner.

Every head turned and look at where he voice had came from.  Only to find Levi the God of the Underworld with his famous scowl planted on his face. Everyone stay silent as he made his way towards Erwin and Petra. As he walks the white clouds turn black from under him and a cold shiver runs down everyone's spine. Levi makes his way in front of Petra and bows holding out his hand to her.

"Your looking beautiful as always, Petra." Levi said with a small smile. Petra giggles softly and hands Levi her hand.

"Thank you." Levi takes her hand and kiss it making her blush slightly. Erwin then put his arm around Levi and pulled him into him.

"So Levi, you finally made it! How are things going in the underworld?" Erwin cheerfully asked as he let go of Levi. Levi's scowl had return as he brushed off his black and gray toga.

"Just fine, you know. A little dark, a little gloomy, and as always full of dead people." Sarcastically Levi said.

"Ah! There's the little sun brat." Levi said walking towards the cradle and Erwin behind him.

They both looked at little Armin. Levi looks him up and down seeing if he could find a flaw.

"Ha ha! He has his Father's hair don't he Levi!?" Erwin laughed.

"Yeah, yeah he does." Levi said coldly.

"Thank his stars that he doesn't have your eyebrows." Thought Levi.

"It's been fun, but unlike you Gods lounging about up here, I regrettably have a full-time job. That you, by the way, so charitably bestowed on me. Erwin." Levi said to Erwin.

"You should slow down Levi. You'll work yourself to death." Erwin paused and thought about what he said.

"HAH! WORK TO DEATH!!" He laughed as everyone else did too. The whole room filled with laughter as Levi rolled his eyes and made his way out. But an evil smile slipped across his lips as he headed back to the underworld.


Well I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! Later!!


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