Beaches and Babies?

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*Daniella's POV*

I know there is something going on between Kali and Tony. I just know it. Chris is not going to be happy at all. Maybe becuase she's almost 17 but I don't know. I'll pull them aside at the beach and talk to them about it. I can trust Tony, and if there really is something going on, yes I don't like the age difference but at least my little girl is happy again. She used to be really depressed and then Pierce The Veil started staying for a few weeks about 5 years ago and then would come back every few weeks and stay again, I saw that Kali's mood was changing and she was happier. We arrived at the beach and I was gonna walk on the boardwalk and shop for a little. 

"Babe, I'm gonna go shop for a little okay?" I said to CC and he said, "Okay baby. I love you." He then kissed me passionately. "I love you, too." I said and walked over to Kali and Tony. "Hey mom." Kali said to me. "Will you guys come to the boardwalk and shop with me for a little?" I asked and they nodded and we began walking and when we were far enough from everyone else where they couldn't see us I turned to them and said, "I know something is  up between you two. And don't lie to me." Kali stopped walking and froze. "Mom, I'm sorry for keeping it from you. I just love him and he makes me happy. Please don't tear us apart. He treats me like I'm his world and h-" She started rambling on. 

"Hey!" I said and she stopped. "If he makes you happy then I am. Yes, I don't like the age part but when you were severely depressed when you were 11 and they started staying with us, you started being my happy little girl again. But please let me tell your father. He will listen to me." I said and she hugged me and said, "Thank you mom. He is the greatest guy anyone can have." "I love you both." I said and pulled Tony in the hug. "I love you, too." They both said in unison. "Now let's go shopping." Kali said and started walking. 

*45 minutes later*

*Tony's POV*

Thank god Daniella approved us. Now we need CC's approval. I don't want him hating me or the band for this or tearing Kali and I apart. Kali is my world. I would do anything and everything for her. She is the one. She is my soulmate. We went back to where everyone else was and Kali and I went into the water. She splashed me and then tried running away but I caught up to her and grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder. "Don't you dare Tony!" She screamed and CC started chanting, "Take her in! Take her in!" And everyone joined in. I dived underwater with her in my arms and came back up and said, "I'm gonna kill you!" 

She started swimming towards me and I swam away and onto the shore and started running to our stuff. I stopped running for a second to see where she was and then I get tackled and see her. "I'll get you back later." I said to her and we got up and her, CC, Jake, Carson, Jessalynn, and I started playing volleyball. A couple minutes into the game Jake smacks it really hard and Kali went and chased it. As she went to grab the ball, some guy grabbed her and started walking away with her. He covered her mouth with his hand to muffle her screams. "Kali!" I screamed and started running over there and all the guys ran with me.

*Kali's POV*

Uncle Jake, Dad, Carson, Jess, Tony, and I started playing a game of volleyball. It was me, Jess, and Dad on one team and Carson, Tony, and Uncle Jake on the other team. Uncle Jake hit it really hard and it went flying. I went and chased after it. As I got closer to the ball, someone out of no where grabs me and puts his hand over me mouth. "Kali!" I heard Tony scream and I heard a lot of peoples feet come toward us. I started punching and kicking the guy and he smacked me in the face. I kicked him in the balls and made a run for it. I didn't stop running until I heard Uncle Andy's challenger roar. As soon as he pulled up next to me, I had curled into a ball on the sidewalk and started crying. "Baby girl are you okay?" I heard my dad say. I just laid there and cried. "Kali look at me baby." He said and Uncle Andy pulled me up and stood me in front of my dad. I latched onto him and didn't let go. I bawled my eyes out onto my dad's shoulder. I hear police sirens go off and the got closer to us and I cried harder. "Shh baby. Daddy is right here. No one is gonna hurt you." I heard my dad say as the car pulled up. "Sir, is she okay?" The officer asked. "She has a bruise on her left cheek and is very shaken up." My dad said. "How old is she?" The officer asked. "She's 16." My dad answered. There were a few more questions but I couldn't hear them because I was crying so hard. Then I heard someone running and as the approached us the person said, "Kali are you okay? Did he hurt you?" And I knew it was Tony. I looked up and my dad let go of me so I can hug Tony. My feet touched the ground and as soon as they did I went straight into Tony's arms. I heard 3 more cars pull up. The police left and I got bombarded with questions. I didn't say anything and then I heard one more car pull up and I heard, "Where the hell is she?" It was my mom. I lifted my head and saw her coming. I ran over to her and then carefully hugged her. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. You're family is here though. And we all love you." She soothingly said. She walked me to my car and opened the back door. "Vic will you please drive?" She asked. "Of course." He said. She hugged him and said, "I don't want her driving in this stage of emotion." He nodded and we all got into the cars and headed home. I grabbed onto Tony and hugged him. "Thank you." I barely whispered. "Why are you saying thank you?" He asked and lifted my chin. I looked at him and said, "If it wasn't for you seeing the guy grabbing me and you yelling my name, I would probably be dead." "Don't say that baby." He said and kissed my cheek lightly because of the bruise. 

*Ring Ring*

My phone started ringing and it was my mom. 


Me: Hi Mom.
Her: Drive to the hospital, Kali.
M: Dad?
H: You're mother is going into labor. 
M: Okay we will meet you there.


"Go to the hospital!" I kinda shouted. "Why?" Vic asked turning the car around. "Olevea is being born that's why!" I yelled again. I'm so glad my little sister is here finally. 

Can We Be Forever? Sequel to 16 and Pregnant ~Andy Biersack Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now