Driving Miss Lucy

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Lucy is 15.

Dan stops the car at an empty church parking lot outside of the city. Lucy looks up at him puzzled. "Dad, what are we doing here?" 

"You," Dan says unbuckling his seat belt. "Are going to drive us home." Lucy's eyes grow wide. 

Lucy got her provisional license a few weeks ago, but with the family's busy schedules, they didn't get much chance to get out to drive. 

"You want me to drive home," Lucy says dumb founded. "Dad are you serious?" Dan nods and opens his door. 

The two switch seats and Lucy adjusts her seat by bringing it all the way forward. She was only five foot. Dan buckles up and holds on. 

"Okay, I took all the back roads here so I'll just tell you where to turn okay?" Dan says. Lucy nods and starts the car. 

"Okay, now I want you to slowly make a U-turn here and then pull out and make a right." Dan tells her. 

"Okay." Lucy puts her foot on the gas and widely turns around in the parking lot. Dan grips the car door. 

"I said turn out of the church." He says, trying to sound calm. He knew that yelling would just upset and frustrate her. 

Lucy turns the car out onto the main two lane road. "I did! I made it out to the road didn't I?!" Lucy says. Dan rolls his eyes, his daughter was a smart ass like he was. 

After the church incident, things were going good. Lucy head up onto a sharp turn in the road. 

"Make sure you're tight to the line, or you're going to go into the other lane and oncoming traffic." Dan says. Lucy nods and starts to make her turn. 

"Get tight to the line, Lucy." Dan says as she widely makes her right turn. "Get to the right!" He yells out of fright as he takes the wheel and turns her back into the lane before a car zooms past them, honking and flipping them off. 

Dan removes his hand from the wheel and falls silent. "Sorry, we could've gotten killed." He says stoically. 

Lucy stares straight ahead at the road, staying silent. 

Once they finally got off the back roads and Lucy pulls into the parking area for the building, they switch so Dan can park the car. Lucy heads upstairs while he does. 

Dan opens the door to the flat and hangs up the keys to the car. "What happened?" Phil asks from the couch. 

"We were going around a sharp turn and she got too close to the other lane so I grabbed the wheel,"  Dan says sheepishly. "God she hates me now doesn't she?" 

Dan sits down next to Phil on the couch. "She doesn't hate you, yes she's a little miffed and upset, but she'll get over it." 

Dan stands up, "I need to go talk to her," He takes a deep breath and heads down the hall. 

Lucy stands in her room staring out the window. She was definitely upset. Dan knocks on the door frame. "What." Lucy says, her voice choked. 

Dan's stomach fell. "Can we talk?" Dan asks. Lucy turns around. 

"It depends, are you going to do that for me too?" She sits on her bed. Dan sits next to her. 

"Lucy, it's okay. I know that yelling and wheel grabbing was a bit liberal. But, I didn't want us crashing." Lucy nods. 

"I-I just thought I was doing so good and then you just grabbed it from me." She says. Dan could see how hard she was trying not to cry. He put an arm around her. 

"These things take time, trust me. When I was learning to drive with my mum, I almost ran the car off of the road." Lucy giggled. 

"Really?" She asks. Dan nods embarrassingly. "But I Learned, and got better and got my license. Just like you will in a year or so." Lucy smiles. 

"I guess I kind of overreacted." Lucy says sheepishly. 

"Its okay, we all learn from our mistakes." Dan tells her. She looks up and smiles at him. 

"Thanks dad," She hugs him and he squeezes tight. "Anytime love bug." Dan says. 

Author's note: Was this chapter shit? probably. I thought I would write a chapter about Lucy learning to drive since I got my permit a few weeks ago (Woot!) and yeah. 

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