Chapter 2

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Night before first day at school.

Phone call with Puck:

Puck: Hey babe
Santana: Hey
Puck: What's up?
Santana: Just getting ready for school tomorrow. I'm looking at dance videos for some inspiration because try outs are in two days and I need to kill it to earn some street cred around the place. *worried*
Puck: Don't worry baby I know for a fact that you'll be all anyone talks about for the first few days. As soon as you walk through the doors no one will want to take their eyes off you. *laughs* But remember if anyone lays a hand on you I'll be on the first flight over to kick their sorry asses!
Santana: Yeah all right babe. *laughs*
Puck: Anyways I have to go, I have a phone appointment with a client who's looking for a new pool cleaner. *excited*
Santana: Alright, good luck!
Puck: Text me straight after try outs are finished and then maybe later we can have a little Skype session if you know what I mean...*says seductively*
Santana: Hmm... if you're lucky.
Puck: I hope the odds are in my favour.
Santana: Good night Puck *laughs*
Puck: Night baby.

End of phone call.

****Next day.****

Santana's POV

I woke up this morning and I was so excited but nervous. Thinking about it, I could change my whole personality and no one would know. I thought about maybe trying to be a blend in normal, lay low student-too boring. Or I could start trying in school and become a math genius-too hard. Then I realised there was only one person Santana Lopez could be... A badass head bitch.

Santana's Mom: Santana get your ass down here it's your first day, you can't be late!
Santana: 5 more minutes *rolls over*

****5 minutes later****

I get out of bed and take a hot shower to calm my nerves. I leave my dark hair out with loose curls and choose my outfit for the day. I decide to wear dark clothes; a crop top with a leather jacket and a mini skirt with boots to top it off. I'm so close to owning that school I can practically taste it.

Santana: *walks down stairs* Okay I'm going. Bye mom. *grabs bag and is about to walk out the door*
Santana's Mom: Wait Mija! *grabs Santana's arm and takes her to the garage*
Santana: *confused*
Santana's Mom: Okay, so I know we were going to wait but me and your dad decided it's time for you to have this.
Santana: *opens the door to see a brand new black Porsche and screams*
Santana's mom: Do you like it Mija?
Santana: Thank you! Thank you! Thanks you! *hugs her mum*
Santana's mom: I'll take that as a yes!
Santana: Yes!
Santana's mom: So I guess you'll be needing these *hands over keys* you better get going, you don't want be late on your first day. And don't forget to thank your father when you get home.
Santana: Okay *kisses mom on the cheek* Bye mami! *gets in car and drives to school*

A/N okay so the story isn't very exciting yet but I'm writing the next chapter and it's beginning to meet the glee characters and Brittany I'll try and post it soon along with some more chapters to make the story more exciting!

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