Chapter 15

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~Riley's POV~

We had been here two hours already and nothing.




Whoever is behind all this better refund two hours of my life.

"Who are we looking for anyways?" I asked.

"Not a who, what."

"What are we looking for." I rolled my eyes.

"Something out of place."

"You mean like us?"

"Right." He agreed.

Each person that we interrogated ended up leading us to someone else and we weren't anywhere close to finishing. At this rate, the police may finish before we do.

I mean, they just assumed it was suicide and I bet they're now watching us, going after everyone we've interrogated. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few in here.

"Chris..." I mumbled, nudging him.


"Look." I nodded to the doors where three very out-of-looking-place men walked in.

"Do you think these could be our guys?"

"They look like murderers to me but something tells me this case isn't over yet and certainly won't stop with these men."

I grabbing Christian by the wrist and pulled him with me as I followed the three men.

"Can you see them?" I asked. Even with these god damn heels on, Christian was still taller than me.

"Yeah, they look like they're heading towards the back." He said.

I kept pulling him towards the back before getting away from the people and seeing the men disappear down a hallway.

"Let's go." I said, hiking my dress up some and reaching down to pull out my mini-gun that was on a strap around my thigh.

"Woah woah woah. They probably have guns to! We can't just follow them!"

"Well what's the fun in that." I smiled then ran after them.

"Ri! Hey come back here!" He began running after me.

I pressed myself against a wall and held my gun up then turned the corner and aimed it out.


Something cold was pressed to my temple.

I recognized it from the amount of times it has already been pushed against some part of my body.

A gun.

It clicked on my ear.

"Drop the gun." A deep voice said.

Slowly, I lowered my gun right by my foot.

"Now kick it away." The voice said again.

I sighed.

Not only did this man owe me 2 hours of my life, but a new ten-thousand dollar mini hand gun and ten silver bullets.

I nudged the gun slightly with the tip of my heel.

"Don't be a smart ass or I'll have to blow this pretty little head of yours up."

I kicked the gun farther.

"Good girl."

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