jeff the killer x male! reader

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don't like don't read and if you do enjoy and if you would like me to do a creepypasta of your choice then tell me one i am open for suggestions :)

'god why is it such a gloomy day today? the weather said it was gonna be nice...' you start spacing out in class as your teacher was rambling something about recent deaths. 

just then your friend leans over and says "hey i bet its a creepypasta thats killing everyone..." you look over with a disturbed look on your face "wait, what?"

he sighs and says in a disappointed tone " you don't know what creepypasta's are do you?" you just look back down at your text book in front of you and try too keep the teacher from seeing you talk and you whisper "no i-"

then the bell rang and everybody left the classroom including your friend. you grabbed your textbook and binder and walked out into the hall but the second you got out of the class.

 you ran into someone knocking you down onto the ground making your binder and textbook slide across the floor.

 you looked up noticing that you had fallen and saw that there was a guy in the same position as you as he was also on the floor.

he had on a black tee shirt and and blue jeans from the looks of it he had black hair and dark eyes it looks like he's wearing some makeup... hey maybe he's emo. 

it looked kinda like he hadn't slept in weeks but that might just be my imagination.

he looks at you and smirks then to your stuff "oh hey I'm sorry i guess i wasn't looking where i was going..." you said then crawling over to get your stuff

"its fine... "you stop organizing your stuff and freeze 'hold on... I've heard that voice before...'

*flashback into a dream*

i kept running and running there was no where to go... i couldn't escape what was chasing me... the only option was to go into this old looking house.

 i run threw the door and close it shut and lock it then i run upstairs and look around "ok. no ones here." i whisper to myself "guess again..."

immediately after that was said a hand covered my mouth and my eyes and then he spoke again "don't worry... i'll be Gentle..." then he nibbled on my neck.... then i would wake up in a cold sweat and a boner...

*back to reality*

"hey (y/n) are you alright?" you come back to reality and shake your head "yeah I'm fine wait... you know my name?" he got up and pulled you with him "ummm.. yeah kinda i gotta go bye"

he said way too quickly as he walked away "hey wait! whats your name!?" he turned around quickly and smirked a creepy smile again "you'll see soon enough..."

it seemed like he whispered it yet it was so loud it echoed threw your head you turned around quickly and started walking away towards the exit of the school 'i need to get home' 

on my way back home i feel like I'm being watched it was getting kinda dark so i was already walking fast but now that i felt this weird stare i started to run 'wait this feels familiar...'

i sprint to my house run upstairs into my room and lock my door "good I'm safe..." i go to change and i take everything off except my boxers and the second i turn around i see wide eyes staring at me "guess again (y/n)..."

creepypasta x male! readerWhere stories live. Discover now