More headcanons cause I love them

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  Thinknoodles can't drive

Calixo once forced Denis to wear hello kitty pjs.

Ibella likes to make houses out of watermelon

Albert once burned an orphanage

   Liv likes to buy Gigi dresses

Sanna knows every single of calixos secrets (sibling bond)

Dj likes to buy Sabrina flowers everyday

Jayingee  doesn't clean his room

Ominous has an alien plushie that Pinkleaf gave him.

Gigi likes to speak facts about space but no one listens.

Russo wig got snatched once

Pinkleaf likes to sleep in the basement

Jackeryz doesn't know what 1 +1 is

Leah's house is filled with  pink glitter.

That's all I can think of for now..

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