Experiment Evol

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"Hey, let's get going. We can't linger in here too long or they'll catch us." Ana sweetly suggested after my breakdown.

I cautiously wiped away my tears, I had forgotten she was there, which was weird because I had never cried in front of somebody before. I thought about what she said a few minutes ago, what did she mean by "they?" Were there people in here that she knew of?

"Um I'm sorry to rush you, but we need to leave. Now." Ana's voice wavered as she spoke. She kept checking our surroundings as I looked up at her more confused than ever.

"Why do we need to leave? I think it's pretty safe here I mean really th-" before I could finish, Ana had grabbed my arm and stormed out of the room climbing up what seemed like an abundance of stairs while I scrambled behind her trying to keep up with her pace.

We ran for what seemed to be about 10 minutes until we reached the roof of the building. I stopped behind Ana, panting and heaving after running for so many consecutive minutes. I'm usually good at this running thing, by Ana had super human speed. She glanced over at me and asked "Hey, kid... Are you okay? I tried to run slower than usual, but I guess that didn't work."

"Wait...did you say slower?! What the hell?" I was confused by this point. I couldn't understand how she was such a good runner.

"Yeah! I guess you'd say that I was just bred to run." I noticed that her voice was starting to get more lively rather than robotic. It was almost...pretty. Wait... What am I thinking?! This girl just ran into me 3 hours ago, how am I feeling... No. No I'm not feeling that's not who I am. I really can't believe- "Hey are you okay?" Ana asked breaking my streaming line of thoughts.

"Hm? Oh! Yeah! Yeah I'm totally fine. Just fine. Great. Wooooo! Partaaay..." I gently put a hand through my hair as I awkwardly spoke. This was weird. I have never felt this way before. Why is my heart pounding and why does my face feel hot? It has to be because of the running. That's the only way.

"So now if you have regained stamina, I have calculated that me must jump off this room in 1 minute and .09875 seconds or this entire town will enclose us in a metal gate."

I started to laugh until I realized what Ana said, then I started to laugh even harder. "Wait...did you say 'jump'? Bahahahaha Ana. You're funny. You're just a hoot. Wow. You see I'm laughing! Hah! Laughing I tell ya'! You see these tears? That's how funny you are." I was awkwardly laughing and pointing at the tears on my face from the laughing because Ana somehow made me feel uncomfortable. Or maybe I was just delusional? I don't even know anymore.

Ana stared straight into my eyes, "You're wasting time. We need to go. Like now." And before I knew it Ana had thrown me off the edge of the building and I was falling towards oblivion. I looked up to see if Ana was above me, but all I heard were sirens and the slow creaking of rusty metal pooling over the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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