Part 21 ( Final )

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As Prince got up to speak , he looked over at You & Roc. 

Prince; morning everyone ...

everyone; morning

Prince: its been one crazy year ...  all  of us has been through a lot .... especially Kaylee. She was confused, lonely, & lost. No matter how crazy she got my love for her didnt change... She's in a better place now & i hope she's happier there ...

Speaker: Next Up Chresanto Ausgust... Thank you Jacob

Roc; *walks up*  Morning, i was kaylee's bestfriend .. we've been throght a lot.. i saved her form bad relationships ... bad people also bad chocies... i just wish i could have saved her that night when she went crazy... maybe she'd still be here.. im happy my bestfriend is in a better place & i love her as a sister...

Speaker: Thank you Chresanto ... Last is Yn Perez.

Yn: O.O *walked up there* uhh hello everyone ... i didnt suspect me to speak at her funeral because we werent on the best terms... she kept my brother happy & thats all i ever asked for... Ummm i know some of y'all hate me because i killed her ... but it was out of self-defense... i didnt suspect none of this to happen.. but everything happens for a reason... maybe all this happened because we need to realize life isnt short ... and we need to realize that little things in life are more inportant ... annd we shouldnt just let one person get in the way of your family .... no matter what.. *smiles & looks at prince and them* 

Everyone: *clapping* 

Speaker: I now pray that god is protecting this child above & will protect us in many different ways . amen !

Eveyone: Amen ..

You guys left & went home , 


Mom: *sighs* i completely love you all. dont let anyone get in the way ..

Prince: She's gonna be missed ... 

Roc: Yeahh ...

Yn: *sighs & walks upstairs* 

Prince; I got this .. *goes after you * 


Prince: *Walks in* What's wrong ?

Yn: Nothing im fine *lying*

Prince: Your lying .

Yn: This is all my fault ...

Prince: Its not trust me , if i didnt just break it off when you said to we all would be here laughing ..

Yn: but its not your fault at all ... 

Prince: its nobody's . we dont need guilt or anything in this family ... plus smile your beautiful and have a wonderful boyfriend 

Roc: *walks in* He's right , this should show you that you need to live life & that im not going anywhere 

Prince: *chuchkles* Cocky Much ? Anyway, im not going anywhere either *smiles*

Yn: *smiles* I love you guys so much *hugs them*

Them: We love you too 


Y'all thought i was gonna kill y'all ? hell naw lol

- musicfo'lifee 

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