22 - The Consequences.

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Despite it only having been a single day, it felt nice to be walking back around the Luminarian palace as per usual, or so Ser Akiyama thought. The dreadful thought of her life crumbling down a second time for the same reason was so wrenching, it dragged them into a state of such unsurety, and now, their wife had never even known, and even better? Being back now meant that technically Mizuki hadn't lied to her, because she had gone in late, only for different reasons than she thought.
Ser Akiyama and Prince Tsukasa marched quickly side by side through the corridors, Tsukasa filling them in on what was happening as they hurried. "I have made a statement so that should keep the media off of us for a while, but light only knows who could have seen the paper, and it will be days before a new one is published, so when Sir Shinonome returns we must tell him immediately-"
"Why don't I tell him later? I can visit him and tell him what you are telling me now?" Mizuki offered. "No, thank you, doing so would only worry him, and until he is back at full health I would rather him to just be mindful and need not to have unnecessary stress" Tsukasa shut her down. "But if a further war is at hand, surely that is necessary?"
"He does enough for me already, if I cannot give him a few days without concern from this stuff, then who am I to call myself a prince?" His words slipped his mind, hoping now that Ser Akiyama had not picked up on their deeper meaning. So as to avoid any suspicion, Prince Tsukasa decided to move on with the conversation, leaving no room for comments. "My fear is now that Prince Ru- er, Prince Kamishiro hasn't found any records for Asahina, and with none on our side, she is basically non-existent in the eyes of both kingdoms"
"No evidence at all? Surely if she was a General as she says she was-?" Mizuki questioned. "That's what myself and Rui thought, but-" He paused suddenly. "Prince Kamishiro, I mean, that's what Prince Kamishiro and I thought" He corrected himself. The partnering knight smirked at him cheekily. "You know you don't have to be formal about it, it's not like I don't know that you love him, besides, he doesn't even know that you love him, so-"
"-what's the big deal? I doubt he would know after a single meeting, unless something magical happened between you two, but that is so unlikely considering he has tried to-"
"Ser Akiyama-?"
"It's great that you two are back talking so much that you can rely on each other, surely that makes you guys friends?"
Prince Tsukasa heaved a sigh, smiling simply at her. "Yes, I am friends with him, however it is still inappropriate to use his name so casually," He explained. A part of him wanted to tell them the truth of his current state with the Obscurian prince, but with everything going on at the moment, he needed to take as much care as possible in making sure that as little as possible got out about him and Prince Rui.
"Nevertheless, that is not the concern right now, what we need to do is get as much information on this individual as possible, then I must send that back over to Obscuria, and from there we can work out the effects. And we must keep a wary eye on that other kingdom, what was it called?" He stammered, letting out a sigh. "I cannot believe they say all of this when I don't even know the kingdoms name, it's foolish"

Just then, Ser Hinomori came bolting towards them in the opposite direction, looking a mix of determined and confused when she saw them both. "Ser Akiyama..?" She greeted them strangely as she ran over. "Oh come on, I had just caught Ichika up with the whole thing-" She complained jokingly. "Haha, soon to be back, right?" Mizuki cheered. "Ena didn't even know that I was suspended!"
"It does not matter who does or does not know, all that matters is that we focus on what needs to be done." Tsukasa overruled, the tone falling into seriousness again. "What do you suggest, Sir?"
"Ser Yoisaki should be present today, yes?" He questioned. "I believe I caught a glimpse of her on my way down, why?" Ser Hinomori told him. "Perfect, would you get her for me? Tell her to meet me in the clubroom, seems to be the best possible spot where no one will be"
With a quick nod, Shiho ran away from the two as hastily as she had approached them, retracing her steps to where she had seen the needed knight. In the meantime, Prince Tsukasa and Ser Akiyama made their way back towards the clubroom, conjuring ideas for what they needed to ask her.

Within minutes, the nervous, grey haired knight entered the room with a quiet knock, guided by her peer, where she saw her prince and the other familiar knight waiting for her. "Hinomori, would you shut the door, please? And would you and Akiyama please stand outside for the duration? This should not take long" Tsukasa requested, ushering the two out of the room. He smiled pleasantly at Ser Yoisaki, who's face was now paler than her hair. Despite his warm smile directed right at her, Prince Tsukasa still looked daunting as he sat in front of her, one leg crossed over the other with a pen in his hand and a notepad on his lap. "You are not in trouble, fear not, I simply must ask you a few things" He tried reassuringly. "This is about Mafuyu, isn't it?" She asked in return. "I know this may be hard for you, I know that you and her share a.. Special.. bond, but this is about everything that happened yesterday, you will get your due explanation I assure you, please just allow me to ask you a few things first"

"It was the day that the Queen ordered the attack, I cannot for the life of me remember the date, but I believe it was the last before you took over the commands. Mafuyu approached me after I fended off three Obscurian soldiers, telling me that she meant no harm. I tried to get her away, I really did, but she insisted on helping me, saying that it didn't matter who she was, only that she wanted to help me with my injury at the time. I had not believed her, but she started explaining things to me, saying how it's Kamishiro who controls the attacks, not the King, and how she could be killed for saying that. She had a gun back then too, said that only certain people could have them. I know not where it went, only that she had one at the time. I persisted against her, and she used Ser Akiyama as an excuse to justify herself, but I still did not believe her. Then she told me she would just get me back across the border, and picked me up, normally I would've killed her but I was-"
"That is plenty, thank you, Ser Yoisaki" Prince Tsukasa stopped her, jotting down a few notes before looking up at her with a stern expression. "I trust you are aware that Prince Kamishiro and I had a meeting two days ago, yes?" He asked her. "Of course, many knew"
"Well, I learned many things that day, and I can tell you that much of that information seems to be wrong. He does not control the attacks, only signs off on them most of the time. Did Asahina say anything about the title 'High General' to you?" He pondered. "No.. but- ah! Wait, I remember!" Kanade exclaimed. "The day of the meeting, Mafuyu and I were on kingdom guard duty, correct? We bumped into Lady Otori and an acquaintance of hers, the visiting company of Prince Kamishiro, I remember Mafuyu introduced her as a friend, and the lady said something along the lines of 'That is High General to you, we were not friends' and then they both went to speak privately, and the High General came back looking a bit worried, but Mafuyu and I left soon after" She described.

Prince Tsukasa's eyes widened suddenly. "Is that so..?" He stared at her in disbelief. "Why, what does that mean?"
"That lady, High General Kusanagi, she is the prince's apprentice, she commands the attacks, but yet Prince Kamishiro told me a completely different view from her side... But if what you say is true, then-"
"Lady Otori can serve as a witness to my word, she saw them leaving and returning, I would not make such a thing up" She testified. "I know that, Ser Yoisaki, do not worry, I am not at all blaming you in this, I just need to know as much about this as you can possibly give me" Tsukasa enunciated. "I also remember the name of the Obscurian army, if that helps?"
The prince gazed at her, amazed at her recollection of so much. "That would be great"
"I believe it was the Royal Imperial Army of Obscuria, she said it more than once to me" Kanade confessed. "Royal Imperial Army.. right.." Prince Tsukasa scribbled the name down onto his notes. He had gotten so much more than he figured he would, and now he had a greater chance of helping Rui with his simultaneous search. The only suspicion on the entire issue was High General Lady Kusanagi's involvement in it all. "I cannot do anything with that currently, but it will be a wonderful help when I am recalling this later, thank you very much for your cooperation, Ser Yoisaki," He proclaimed. "Do not inform her of this meeting, or anything I am about to tell you, however this questioning was for the benefit of both Luminaria and Obscuria" He added. Ser Yoiskai's eyes widened. "How so?"
"To be frank with you, there are no records of Asahina's existence in either kingdoms, as far as both I and Prince Kamishiro are aware. However the reason I mentioned the High General, is because apparently she, too, did not know of her existence, and that is quite baffling to me right now. Prince Kamishiro is conducting his own record search, and I am getting as much as I can over here, but now it seems the truth is not as far as it seems., you are dismissed, I will keep you updated with my findings, your help has been much appreciated."

And so, the next morning, Prince Tsukasa returned to the Luminarian-Obscurian border at the first sight of dawn, hoping to have the next letter handed over as soon as possible. Once again he had awoken tired after this late night writing, but he figured that it was for the best. Luckily this time, as if predicted, General Aoyagi was there at the gate waiting for him. "Good morning, your highness, I trust this is another for Prince Kamishiro?" He greeted him, holding his hand through the gap to grab hold of the parchment envelope. "Yes, apologies for doing this for the second morning in a row, and thank you for doing this for me" Tsukasa said apologetically. "It is no problem, I was back early this morning so I decided to go on duty straight away" Toya quipped. "That makes sense then, thank you again"
"No problem, ah- Sir Shinonome should return today, he seemed alright this morning, I-" Toya paused, face flushing red. "I- I mean I hope that he is alright, I just had a sense" He attempted to cover himself, awfully, mind you. Prince Tsukasa saw through the bluff instantly, however decided not to pry on it. That was when a sudden thought popped into his mind, a statement Sir Shinonome had told him on the night of his sister's wedding, the drunken confession. 'This knight in Obscuria, I was fighting, and they looked pretty alright..'
The idea dawned on the prince suddenly, unsure of what to think. Surely this was a coincidence, and General Aoyagi had just been a good friend checking up on Sir Shinonome, right? He quickly snapped out of it, realising that it didn't matter at that moment, and that he should really just leave before things got more awkward than they already were. "I hope so, too, it's never the same without when someone is missing, haha!!" He said lightheartedly. "I'll leave you off, then, thank you again!"
'Dear Rui,

I am glad to report back to you with the following findings in relation to the supposed General Asahina, however there is one that is quite complicated to explain, so I shall leave that until last. To make it easier for your own research, I shall list as many findings as necessary below;

- General of the Royal Imperial Army of Obscuria
- Use of guns by specific personnel
- Belief that you control the attacks rather than the High General or the King
- Could be killed for saying information
- Overly affectionate towards the guard that she used to get into Luminaria, quote "she insisted on helping me {The knight}"
I can confirm that as I have personally witnessed one of these, unhidden, shows of affection.

This final piece most definitely needs more explaining than you might have hoped for. You told me in your letter that High General Kusanagi had no recollection of the individual, however evidence over here proves otherwise. Apparently on the day of our meeting, while Lady Otori and High General Kusanagi were about Luminaria, they stumbled into the General and the knight that I previously mentioned, to which Lady Kusanagi told Asahina that she shall be referred to "as High General, as the two are not friends", after which they both spoke privately away from their counterparts, and allegedly Lady Kusanagi returned looking rather startled.
I am not trying to accuse anything, however there are multiple witnesses to this fact, and now I am unsure of what I can do..

Apologies for this, hopefully it can serve you some benefit.. somewhat. If there is anything I can do to help you, do not hesitate to let me know.

With love,

~ Tsukasa.'

Prince Rui couldn't believe his eyes as he read through the letter. How could this be true? Nene had told him directly, even confirmed every word that he suggested. How could she possibly have done such a thing? And why?
A million wonders raced through his mind as his face contorted in horror. He had trusted Nene with his life. She knew everything about him, has been there for it all, and now it turned out that she lied to his face? To anyone else, such a lie would seem insignificant, but to him, this was a breakdown of the trust that he shared with the only person he considered his family. Nene had hid her knowledge of an Obscurian stowaway, who was now not only causing issues for Luminaria, but for Obscuria, too. Not a single record, Nene had told him that she had never heard the name. She had met up with her in Luminaria. She didn't know her name. Yet they spoke with each other.
Tearfully, Rui could feel his unsurety and and rage consume him. He gripped the paper tightly in his shaking palm as he forced himself back from his desk, slamming open the door and racing down the corridor. The corridor of the place that was a home to him only because he was able to trust Nene within it. He had never been the type to consciously be aggressive with her for that reason, most times it was a feeling that he couldn't control, but now, he knew what he was doing. Silent tears streamed down his face as he banged his fist against his apprentices door, pushing it open with a slam before she could even respond for him.

Nene's face went as white as a ghost at the sight of him, menacingly standing in the doorway. She wasn't sure what to think at first. In the dark shadow, it was hard to tell that he was crying, it was only when he stormed up to her that she understood the extent of what could be happening. Rui practically threw the crumpled sheet at her, roaring at her. "Tell me that this is not true, Nene, tell me" He begged. The latters lips parted, quivering as he hesitantly stood up, the letter in hand, switching her gaze between her prince and the doomed sheet in front of her. Her eyes traced over the written facts, each mention of her name forcing her heart to almost jump out of her chest.
"You told me that you did not know her, but that wasn't true, was it?" He questioned her sternly. "Was it, Nene?!?!" His voice boomed throughout the room, sending the other into a state of shock and panic. "Rui, this isn't-"
"You knew. You lied to my face. How is that not whatever excuse you are going to try!?! 'Royal Imperial Army'!? That name has never been used!? What sort of idiot do you have doing this thing!?" He shouted, his body shaking with anger as he did. Not once in his life had he ever felt so betrayed, even over something so minor. Not even through his fathers beatings, through the time he spent fighting the only person he had ever loved, none of it compared to how he felt then. Enraged would have been an understatement to describe him, and Nene knew that very clearly. The letter signed off 'with love', sealing her fate of misfortune.

She could feel her heart rate climbing with each spewing word, unsure of what to say. If she told him everything, goodness knows how much worse this could get. But then again, she had lied before and look where that had gotten her now?, cowering and shivering before the entirely different person who stood berated her. This wasn't Rui, no one even close. No, this was Prince Rui Kamishiro, the very epitome of his fathers mannerisms and anger, now pointed at her. The thing that she was sure would help him in the end had turned her best friend into the man he hated most. She could only hope that the similarities did not get as far as they possibly could.

"So!?" Prince Rui fumed. "Would you answer me already!?"
By then, Nene knew that she had no choice but to confess. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes while she gritted her teeth, ready to let it all spill. Her voice cracked between her tears, her explanation as pathetic as she felt saying it. Still, it was the only choice she had left to redeem herself.
"I did not mean to hurt you, I swear! The arrangement was for your benefit, not whatever this is!? I ordered her return, I did, that's why I spoke to her that day, but she wouldn't listen!? I thought that I had control over what she was doing, I never thought that anything like this would happen, I have never heard that name be used for the army, I swear to you on my life, you know that I wouldn't-"

"I don't know, Nene, I really do not right now. You are here telling me that you sent her!? Do I not deserve to know this shit? Or am I just the unreliable asshole who has to call himself a prince and take care of this shithole for a man who has never heard the word responsibility in his life!?" He retorted, causing Nene to fall to her knees, sobbing and screaming.

"Maybe because I care!?!? I did it to try and help you, because it's really not fucking easy taking care of you!? I am not your mother, I cannot magically make everything better for you!? I thought that by getting you back in contact with the man you never shut up about, then maybe he could help you, because he is qualified with this kind of shit, he can actually do something for you, I can't, Rui, when will you get that into your fucking head!? There is only so much someone can take before they snap, I didn't know that she was going to start causing issues, I only wanted to help, I-"

"Get out of my sight, Nene." Rui demanded suddenly. "You're in my room-"
"Did you mishear me? Or do I need to repeat myself?"
Nene scrambled to her feet, facing him head-on and glaring at him dangerously, despite her puffy, red eyes defeating how threatening she thought that she was.
"Good luck finding someone who gives as much of a shit about you as I did, because I'm fucking done with being your servant. You can keep the title, it's not like it was real anyway. Have fun handling the war with the person controlling it gone." She finished coldly, wiping her face before she stomped past him, brushing along his arm as she did. Standing alone in the now empty room, Rui was not sure what he was feeling. All he could do was collapse to the ground, shaking and crying as wailed like a child. Full of shame, full of regret. Rui was exactly where he knew that he deserved to be after everything that had happened. On his own.

Nene had never run out of the palace as fast as she had after the confrontation. She knew that she was wrong, she knew that she was making a mistake, but there was no turning back now. Her heart was still racing in her chest, her breath as quick as her pace as she ran through the thick vegetation of the Obscurian forest, her tears flooding her vision as she ran endlessly, almost tripping over small branches and twigs that had fallen from the trees above, now stepped on and broken like they were nothing to the world. They were not part of a life form, they were not living organisms, no, they were just pawns, ready to break under the pressure of someone's foot. That feeling was exactly how Nene wanted to believe that she felt in that moment, but she couldn't, instead a horrid sense washed over her, making her want to throw up in the darkness of the tree's canopies.

After what felt like an eternity of vanishing into a void of her own despair, Nene soon reached a hard break in her trail, having run directly into it and falling upon impact. Her hands were now bloody because of the sharp cobble, her clothes now wet against the soggy marsh land. She was at the border, yet not a single slice of relief or happiness even flickered in her. Rather, she sat there on the ground, her face red and her tears uncontrollable, and just sobbed with her head dug against her curled up knees. Part of her wished that she would just rot into the soil and never have to look at herself in the mirror again, knowing what she had caused. All of this, it had been her fault. If she had not sent General Asahina to Luminaria, Rui would still be as he normally would, Prince Tsukasa wouldn't be trying to work out all of the legal problems that comes with a found traitor, and she would not be lying here along the border of Luminaria and Obscuria, wasting herself away. Soon, she could feel her eyes fighting the urge to shut, and eventually, she gave up resisting. Falling in a curled huddled mess against the ground, Nene was exactly where she knew that she deserved to be after everything that had happened. On her own.

Just as General Aoyagi had suggested, Sir Shinonome was, in fact, back in the palace, in full uniform and looking better, although slightly more tired, than he had a couple of days prior. Tsukasa couldn't help the smile that formed across his face as he recognised the back of his orange hair in the distance walking alongside Ser Akiyama, hurrying up to them both. "Welcome back, Sir Shinonome! I'm glad to see you back!" Tsukasa greeted him energetically, throwing an arm around his torso playfully. "Ah- hello.." Akito smiled. His voice had still been slightly croaky, however somehow much clearer than it had been. Now he spoke at a low but more comprehensible volume, and he looked happily down at the prince, who had had an entire mood change after spotting his friend back. "It's those damn Obscurians, he must have given you something, I swear, lil' bro, that doesn't happen overnight-!" Mizuki joked with him, causing Akito's face to flush a light pink shade. "Shut it, Mizuki.." He muttered aggressively. "Oh it's alright, General Aoyagi let it slip at the border when was dropping something off" Prince Tsukasa chimed in, the two sibling-in-laws staring at him confusedly. Sir Shinonome slapped one hand up to his face before sighing loudly. "Can he not keep a secret.." He complained. "Aww, there's no need to be ashamed, Akito!! We just need to set up a club for Luminarians who love Obscurians! We already have two guaranteed members, I think we should!" Mizuki teased them both. Tsukasa let out a quick scoff, before switching the topic. "Sir Shinonome, I think we need to talk-"
"This one already told me it all" He signalled to Ser Akiyama. "O-Oh!" Tsukasa stammered. "So then.. you're .. alright?"
"You did not write it, you did everything you could possibly do, why would I not be?" He pondered. Tsukasa gave him a reassuring look. "I had braced myself for much worse.." He admitted. "We're just going to try and avoid Ena finding out.." The other knight mentioned. "Yeah, that's your job, Mizuki, there's a reason I live on my own" He laughed lightly. "On;y so you can bring General Aoyagi over!? Prince Tsukasa, he spent the night with him, you know!? Should that not be treason!?" She argued sarcastically. "You're one to talk, Mizuki-"
Tsukasa did not break in between the two's banter, taking in the fun of it all before the need to get back to his work chimed. After all, there was only a single thing on his mind as he watched them. 'It's good to have you back, Sir Shinonome'

When Prince Rui had heard the sounds of someone else in the Obscurian palace easily over an hour later, he hardly even flinched, figuring that it was most likely Nene coming back for something that she had forgotten. Out of the sole reason to stand true to his word, he got up and made his way to the stairs, where he was expecting to see the sight of his grey haired apprentice standing below. Unfortunately, the grey hair that he had imagined was on the wrong person, as his father stood at the bottom of the staircase, staring up at him with a callous grin. Rui's face fell, his final sense of independence draining from him like gas from a loosely tied helium balloon. He knew that there was only one way this would end. Loudly. On the floor. With no one there.

"Well.. well.. Well.." His father started. "Expecting me, were you, Rui?" He asked maliciously. "No, I wasn't, I would rather you not be here, actually." His son responded back boldly. His father slowly climbed the stairs as he continued his torment. "Sorry~" He said sarcastically. "Maybe if my hair was blonde and I was a harasser, you'd be happy to see me?"
Rui's face shifted in discomfort, taking a few steps backwards. "What do you mean?" He wondered cautiously. "You know what I mean, you are not that isolated. I know what you did, I know it all" His father announced. "You do not know shit, now leave, you are not welcome here" It was a risky path to take, a very clear determination of consequences as the outcome, but with no-one else there to stop the inevitable, Rui figured that he may as well have some fun with it.
He watched as the king's face contorted into one of disgust, the staircase creaking with each clack of his shoe against the floorboard. "You know you are not meant to see him, you remember what I said to you, do you not?"
"You say a lot of things, be specific"
"You ignorant little-"
Like a child, Rui turned and dashed back down where he came from, hoping that his legs would carry him as far as he needed to be. There was a slight thrill to trying to defend himself so much, even with the risky consequences that the thrill held. Twenty six years old, and yet here he was, basically begging his father to chase him around their 'home'. Heartbreaking enough, this was the first and probably only time they ever did something that resembled a 'normal' behaviour between a father and his son, even if in the end, Rui felt his body hitting the ground, screaming and roaring in pain, blood pooling the floor beneath him. His chest stung as though he had been stabbed, however he knew that the chances of that being the case weren't very likely. His throat was quick to give out against his blood-curdling screams, the veins in his body feeling as if they were re-rooting into an entirely new system. One built to destroy him from the inside out.
The last vision the prince had before his vision faded into a black nothingness was his father, now caught up to him, crouched down and holding his head up carelessly, chuckling and grinning at him.
"You are as weak as your mother was. Pathetic child." 

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