Part 21: back to bussniess (Idont care if I spelled bussniess wrong)

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You are now Annie
And now that you have the disks, time to enter the game. Who's your server player again? Oh yeah.
floweringDetective [FD] began pestering artisanCampaign [AC]
AC: Like a good neighbor State Farm is-
AC: oh hi Annie
FD: what are you doing?
AC: being bored, what are you doing?
FD: getting ready to enter the game
AC: that means I finally get to do something?? O U O
FD: you could have been doing something this whole time
AC: eh
FD: fine, lets just do this
FD: do you have the disk in
AC: yeah
FD: good, let's play
AC: loading
AC: woah, this is your room, cool, but it's a little to pink for me
FD: maybe that's why it's my room
AC: yeah maybe...
FD: just deploy the items dunderhead
AC: I'm deploying all the stuff
FD: great, could you put the pre-punched card in my room
AC: oh- sorry, I'm out of grist
AC: don't go in the bathroom btw
FD: why shouldn't I-
FD: you know what, I'm not even going ask what happened to my toilet
AC: ehhehe
FD: where is it?
AC: kitchen
You minimise the pesterchum window and grab, your phone, walking away from your computer and downstairs. You run and throw a basketball on top of the Cruxtruder. It bounces off harmlessly, so you run to look for something heavy to use. Your phone buzzes.
artisanCampaign [AC] began pestering floweringDetective [FD]
AC: I found some grist!!
FD: how did you run out, didn't you start with 20,000??!!
AC: let's just say I got a head start
FD: with what?
AC: not Important
AC: just go to the cabinet
FD: ok?
AC: now get the gushers
FD: yeah?
AC: and throw them on the floor
FD: you're an idiot
AC: just do it!!!
FD: no
AC: yes
FD: no
Many minutes later
AC: hurry up!!
FD: why are you so hasty?
AC: because your running out of time!!
FD: for what
AC: I'll explain later! Just go!!
FD: fine
You throw the gushers in the the ground and run over them, some how you collect them and you hear a thunk. You run back to find the Cruxtruder opened, kernel sprite free, and cruxite dowels rolling around. You grab one and take a peak out the window. The sky has turned bright red and some thing is partially blocking out the sun, in the distance sirens are wailing and all is chaos. Luckily your bro is sleeping in his room, oblivious to all outside. Upon closer inspection the object blocking out the sun is a huge asteroid, coming in fast, so that's why you need to hurry. A siren jolts you back into the present and you run towards the totem lathe, inserting the pre-punched card and the dowel. With a wirrrr the dowel is carved, and you run to the roof. Throwing the window open you clabber onto the roof and deposit the carved dowel on the Alchemiter. Your house is really tall, you assume this is what Bryan ment when he said he got a head start. The meteor is very close, and you can almost feel the heat coming from it. The Alchemiter creates a huge button with a stop watch symbol on it. You reach your hand out and rest it on the button. Taking a deep breath you push down, in a huge flash you are teleported to...
Land of Pyrotechnics and Burrows
AC: phew
FD: phew indeed
You are now Jim
LoPaS (Land of Puzzles and Storms)
You've been messing around with the Alchemiter, and now you think you have a pretty OP baseball bat. So now... ITS CLOBBERING TIME!!! You charge out of your house! And immediately run into a wall, the wall has a giant piece shifting puzzel. Uggghhh you hate these things.
10 extremely frustrating minutes later
You finish the puzzle and the secret door slide open, relieving what your land really looks like, it's mostly plain, with scattered rainforest plants. You pull out you base ball bat and see a swarm of bat imps fly out of a jungle patch. You run towards them and jump, taking out many with your baseball bat. You swing wildly at anything that moves, leaping higher off imps and trees. When you stop on a tree to catch your breath, most of the imps are dead,the rest retreating. As you start climbing down, it starts to sprinkle, the rain, then breaks into to a down pour. You run home, clothes soaking wet. Your house is much taller, Annie must have been working on it, which remind you, you change into dry clothes and hop onto the computer. You start building Mary's house to the swirly thing in the sky.
Many minutes later
Finally, the computer was starting to hurt you eyes, but you've built Mary's house all the way up. Now you can go kill some imps. You grab your baseball bat and run back out side, smashing some troll imps. You climb a tree to get your bearings, to the north your huge house looms, to the south, east ,and west, miles of jungle and caves. You see a litch with claws and wings flying along near the tree, with a running leak you jump onto the litches back, it struggles but you hang on for dear life, hitting it multiple times. It drops out of the sky, plummeting towards the ground, at the last second you jump off and roll into horde of imps. You jump up and pull out your baseball bat, *smack* *pow* you hit two and take the rest down, you uppercut one and kick another. You swing the baseball bat hard across ones face, and hit another, and unfortunately for you this is attracting attention. You take out a few more imps and see a bigger enemy... A way bigger enemy, the biclops trudges over, you try to hit him, but your baseball bat snaps on his skin. The rest of the imps crowd around you, stopping all change of escape. You cover your face, waiting for the inevitable. The huge beast bonks you on the head, and every thing goes black.....
You are still Jim
You wake up on the purple moon. Wow what a dream, or was it a dream? You don't know, your heads all fuzzy. You get up and fly out of your circular room, looking around the moon, it appears to be attached to the main planet. You start flying to it, zooming above the ground. When you reach the main planet you find a golden train. You land and bored the train, it zooms to who knows where, picking up speed rapidly.
A few moments later
You leave the train to find your self on a golden planet, identical to yours but brighter. Before you can look more you see a suspicious dersite man with a knife walking towards one of the golden towers. He climbs up and you follow him, when you reach the top you see a sleeping Myra, with golden PJ's. The dersite goes up, and stabs her in the chest!???!!! He says some thing in a microphone, "the sylph is dead, one down, five to go." You feel a burning rage inside of you, no one kills your friends!!! NO ONE!!! You bring out your baseball bat and charge the dersite. "One second, the rogue just found me." He says, pulling out his knife from your friends body. But you charge him and smack his hand with the baseball bat, sending the knife flying out of the room, before he can react you smack his in the face with your bat. Returning your bat to your sylladex you tackle the dersite out the window, and plow him into the ground. You're about to home run smack him into paradox space, when you drop down, sound asleep.

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