Part 17: more enter

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You are now Daniel
This is new, you've never Strifed before, but you pull out you oboe as your bro takes out his staff. You need to get him away from the house, but how. You start circling each other, weapons drawn. You begin to inch closer to the back door, trying to draw your brother away. Suddenly he shoots a white hot bolt of energy at you, you leap to the side and throw your oboe.... Great now you have no weapon. You dodge another bolt, and grab a hammer near by. You wield the hammer.......and get blasted through the door. The hammer also broke, so much for that idea. You run to the old play structure, sprinting up the rock wall you dodge yet another energy bolt, and slide down the slide. You keep running until you reach the garage, despritly scanning the place for something you can use as a weapon. You eventually lay eyes on a rake, and pick it up, why not? You spin it around like a baton and await your brothers arrival. Soon he arrives, staff in hand, spell in mouth. You charge him with the rake, as he begins a spell. "Azarath" he starts, you keep running at him. "Metrion" you leap on to a scooter and ride it towards him, like a jouster. "Zinthos!". A second later the car roars to life, you falter and ride into the drive way. The scooter hit a bump, and you go sprawling out onto the ground. The car is speeding towards you, and you shield your face. Suddenly the cursor thingy rotates the car, still running, towards the direction of the freeway. "My car!!!!!" You brother shouts as he chases it. You pull out your phone from your back pocket, adding the rake to your strife specibus.
gamingCarelessly [GC] began pestering equestrianFanatic [EF]
GC: thanks for the save
EF: don't mention it
EF: actually do mention it, I want credt
GC: anyway
EF: I already have every thing set up, you just need to do the pre-punched card and stuff
GC: oh, cool thanks
You casually stroll down the hall to the stairs. One you reach the stair case you lethargically take your sweet time walking up one stair at a time. You see your kernel sprite floating there and you stop to think what to use.......hmmm.........aha! You get out your original halo disk and throw it in the sprite, you create ChiefSprite.
EF: can't you go ANY FASTER?!?!?!?
GC: why?
Upon reading this you drop you phone and run upstairs, you shove the pre-punched card into the totem lathe, which is right next to it. The cursor hands you a cruxite dowel and you put that in the totem lathe too. It makes a carved totem that you capchalog.
With the totem you run back downstairs and find the Alchemiter in the kitchen.
You run over to the Alchemiter and put the totem on the pedestal.
The arm comes down and scans the totem, then retracts
It creates two gears that pop out an orb.
You grab the orb, and you house is transported to...
Land of Apartments and Wheels
well you were kinda hoping you would get something cool, like Doritos. But alas, any way your sprite is trying to get your attention.
Sprite log
ChiefSprite: hello!
Daniel: hi
ChiefSprite: I would like to-
A rumble knocks both of you over, and the chief, being a sprite ghost thing, floats through the floor. When he remerges he seems a bit, different
HamasterChiefSprite: Dany!
Daniel: what happened to you?
HamasterChiefSprite: well I floated through the ground, And became alive again! O U O
Daniel: are you master chief and my dead hamster?
HamasterChiefSprite: SQUEAK!
Daniel: ....
HamasterChiefSprite: that means yes, celery!
Daniel: what?
HamasterChiefSprite: celery is good, big yums! O U O
Daniel: riiight, I'm just gonna go
HamasterChiefSprite: bring back celery
Well that was a weird conversation, but at least you can tell Myra about the new development, you can program your sprite twice. Now where did you put your phone? Ah, maybe outside? You walk out the backdoor and.... Your house seems a bit taller than you remember it. You scan the surrounding land, house appears to be on a horizontal giant wheel, rotating very slowly. In the distance you see huge towering apartment buildings, and some Ferris wheels. Again you were hoping for something cooler. What were you doing? That's right your tall house.
gamingCarelessly [GC] began pestering equestrianFanatic [EF]
GC: my house seems taller
EF: I may have added a few floors, yes
GC: why?
EF: I learned that we must make our houses taller.
GC: so that means I need build up Myra's house
EF: yes
GC: I gotta go!
EF: run forest, run!
gamingCarelessly [GC] ceased pestering equestrianFanatic [EF]
Oh great you're already behind schedule, better get started.
gamingCarelessly [GC] began pestering incognitoToaster [IT]
GC: what is going on over there?
IT: I'm surrounded by weird impy things.
GC: one sec, let me pull up the sburb screen
GC: there crushed them with a TV
IT: *sob*
GC: what now?
IT: my TV
GC: *facepalm*
GC: what's that gushers stuff
IT: I believe it's grist
GC: oh, that stuff that lets me build
GC: get that!
IT: why?
GC: You need, to get as high as you can
IT: 😑
GC: I need to make your house really tall
IT: right, so what do I do?
GC: well I need as much grist as possible, so I need you to kill a bunch of imps
IT: I broke my spork :(
GC: hmmm
GC: I'll be back
You put down your phone, and no wait, never mind.
equestrianFanatic [EF] began pestering gamingCarelessly [GC]
EF: use the totem lathe and punched cards to combine items
EF: *drops mic*
equestrianFanatic [EF] ceased pestering gamingCarelessly [GC]
Well alright then, time to relay this information
gamingCarelessly [GC] began pestering incognitoToaster [IT]
GC: yo yo yo
IT: did you figure out how to fix it?
GC: I can make it better
IT: what are you doing?
GC: upgrading your Alchemiter
IT: now what are you doing?
GC: Making you a new spork
IT: awww thanks
GC: we need to make it better, I know
GC: use this code for my sword, combine it with your spork
IT: like this?
GC: yup, go kill so imps!
IT: Yeah!
GC: Yeah!
IT: ok bye
GC: wait one thing, you can program your sprite twice
IT: I'm a bit busy, would you do it
GC: sure
IT: thanks
gamingCarelessly [GC] ceased pestering incognitoToaster [IT]
Land of Stovetops and Cookery
You are now Myra
And it's time to destroy some imps!! You grab your new spork (thanks Daniel), and slash the few imps in your house. You throw open your door and look up, wow it's high, Daniels good. You high five your cat sprite and climb a set of stairs, you slice another imp in half and kick one off the stair case. You reach the upper level and see some imps fooling around with your butter. You run up and stab one with your spork, spinning around you throw the one imp into the other, knocking them both off the edge. You slash two other imp in half and cut the third ones' head off. You triumphantly step on the head, but slip on the butter. With a slide you fall off the stairs plummeting to the giant stove below.
You are now Mary
Aaaaand your kinda bored.... You helped Daniel enter, that was fun, but now it's your turn, and Jim won't be back for wait... Nevermind.
deliriousJokester [DJ] began pestering equestrianFanatic [EF]
DJ: hey I'm back

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