Chapter 1

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We went shopping in Oxford Street and ate the famous fish and chips.

Saw the Big Ben and Buckingham palace and took pictures with all the celebrities in Madame Tissu.

I desperately wanted to meet Prince Harry desperately but he was so busy, but I almost cried at the thought that he's less than five minutes away.

We also visited the famous Zoo in London.

We went the University of Cambridge. It's so...classic and royal.

It's been my dream ever since I was fifteen to study there. But everyone kept staying that that was not even possible. That I shouldn't even apply, because since my mother language is not English so they will not accept me. They said I should save myself the embarrassment and getting my hopes up for getting in and then getting disappointed.

So I went with it, but it save any of these things? Absolutely not.

I spent the rest of my scholastic years asking myself, what if?

What if I applied and got in?

What if I didn't?

But what if I actually did?

My dream would've happened.

I would've studied English in the university that I personally see as the best in the world.

These questions always haunted me.

Every time I wander off in my mind, I find myself regretting that I never did.

But when I finally visited it, it's amazing campus. I didn't think twice. With the help and support from my friends I applied. I turned down all those people that doubted me, including myself because I actually did get in.

I spent at the University of Cambridge the best four years of my life.

Point is, always always go for it.

Never ever doubt yourself, and don't trust anyone who doesn't believe in you.

You are your motivation; you're the leader of no one but yourself. You are in control of your feelings.

And that was a small part of what I've learned from the book "seven habits of highly effective teens", go check it out!

Since Nada, my best friend, was sixteen, she wanted to visit England.

She loved the boy band One Direction so much and England was their home.

I don't know in which year this book is going to get published, or at the time if One Direction will still be famous, but back at our ages, God they were.

I remember her gossiping to me about how much she wants to meet them and attend a concert of theirs.

She knew their songs by heart and every single tiny detail of each member's life.

So when we finally arrived in London, I called her.

Two weeks in advance, I booked Nada a plane ticket to London. I also booked for her an extra bed at our hotel room, since we never stayed at separate rooms AND a one direction concert ticket, front row, and centre.

I just couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she comes and finds out.

So I called her, didn't tell her about the concert ticket, and in two days she came.

As soon as she arrived I told her I have a surprise for her in two days.

We shopped for the occasion, her not having any idea what was going on. And when the day finally came, Haya and I eye-folded her and took her in a cab to the concert venue.

When we arrived, she was absolutely shocked.

Tears of happiness falling down her eyes and honestly all of us were so happy this world couldn't contain our contentment.

Even though I wasn't a big fan of One Direction, I attended the concert with her. It was so much fun and probably one of the highlights of our trip.

She stayed for five days after the concert, we gossiped, catch up and then it was time for her to go for college.

Of course at the airport we sobbed, a lot. But God it felt so great doing something for someone that they've always wished for.

So, today do a small act of kindness for someone.

For example, you can buy your sister, mother, grandmother, wife, or girl friend a flower.

Or send someone an 'I love you' or 'thank you' card.

Or wash for someone their car, or order a meal for a poor person.

It adds up to your personal bank account like no other.

And that's also one of the lessons that I learned from 7 habits. :)

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