Chapter 5

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I looked up into Piercing dark brown eye's everything started to get bluer, music is faded just memorizing this face , sensation in im body from his touch is increasing , pleasure wash my body

prominent jaw is set in hard line

soft silk black hair I could run my fingers in it hold them

those soft amazing lips I could kiss like them forever without getting bored, want these lips to kiss ever inch of my skin
in the blink of eye his lips crush on my hardly , forceful and all those dark memories came back to me

I wakeup gasping for breath I'm all covered in sweat , I looked around I'm in my room , I try to relax control my breathing , steady my heartbeats I'm in my room , I'm home nothing can happen to me I'm with my dad he will protect me

I tell myself again and again , look outside my window its bright time to get up , my phone started to ring I pickup from night stand

" Hello what do you want early in a morning??" I ask in annoyed raspy voice

" What the hell you are still sleeping ??"

" yes"

" you forgot we have a plan for today??" he said angrily

oh shit

"of course not sweetie "

" get ready I'll pick you up in 30 minutes " hanging up on me

I jump from my bed to get ready rush in shower



Looking at the file my bodyguard Nick brought me it has all information about her , about her family .

she belongs to Addison's
she daughter of sam Addison this name rings a bell but I can't put a finger on it , he has two daughters one son

Jasmine Addison 23
Angel Addison 18
Max Addison 19

to girls which one is mine ??

" Why there is no picture of anyone in this file " I asked angrily to Nick

" Sir this all they can find in such a short notice " nick answer me

" Which one you think is you dream girl" Smith asked

" I don't know but from the look of her and information I think that girl is Angel she is look like angel " I smirk

"So than go for it buddy" Smith said cheekily

" but what would I do ?"

" what do you mean?" Smith look confuse

" I mean what happen last night she must be angry " I sadly tell

"Be the gentleman and say sorry send her flowers with sorry note how's that sound"

" It's sounds great Smith thanks man" I should buy most beautiful flowers for her just like her I stood to leave my office

" Good luck man" Smith said before elevator door close


Sitting in my car in front of her house from last 40 minutes, I'm nervous seeing her don't know how she'll react when she see me ? what will I say ? will she accept my apology ?I can't get out of my car. I don't have courage

" Sir ?" Nick Say's

" Hmm"

" you have meeting in 20 minutes with board " he said

I can do this it's nothing , I can go and do this it's nothing I open my door
No I can't do this what if she got more angry with what if she throw my flowers away I can't do this I closed door

but I have to apologize

" Nick deliver this flowers to that house to Ms Angel Addison " I said Pointing to her house

" yes sir " Nick gets out of car and come to my side to take flowers and went to house I look from here he knock door twice before it open

Angel came out of door wearing black tight jeans and white top and black jacket her hair were in messy bun looking stunning wearing her beautiful smile
first she look confuse than
Nick must had said something  she laughed and took flowers from him and read note she look back to Nick and said something with smile

Nick turned started walking to car , and car arrived at Angel home , Angel handed flowers to some women who appeared out of nowhere Angel took one white rose from it and walk towards a car

A guy came out of his car as he got near  she gave him flower and hug him. wrapping her arms around his neck and went to sit in car
something twisted in me don't know what but I want to hit that man how the hell he touch my Angel
and who is he ? my blood is boiling.

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