Chapter 4: The Rescue

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It's been four months since Brad and Kalee were killed.

Four months since he started Stalking me. 

It's a routine now. Wake up. Find breakfast. And wait. Wait for him to come. He leaves me with just enough energy and blood to survive the night in agony. Then the day repeats itself. There's nothing I can do. If I try to fight, I'll just get hurt worse.

It doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore. I've tried to end it, end my life, but there's no way he would ever let his personal blood bank go out of business. 

I sit and eat my breakfast of wild berries. The bush they grew from that used to be bigger than me had shriveled down to a small square foot. Soon, I will have used it all up. I don't know what I'll do after that. I haven't seen an animal of any kind in weeks. Except for those damn bugs. 

"Beautiful day, isn't it, Audrey?" I didn't bother answering. It was the kind of day when the blue in the sky was completely replaced by grey. Normally I loved this kind of weather, but I didn't experience much feelings other than pain these days.

"Oh, my sweet, don't ignore me! Do not hide your beauty." Those words would have sounded sweet and loving, but the way he growled a little at the end told me he meant business. I obeyed and faced him.

He had a smirk on his face. "Oh, don't look at me like that! What did I ever do?" He slowly came up to me, until he was so close I could smell his breath. 

"I know what will make you feel better," he whispered into my ear. I closed my eyes and tried not to flinch, for I knew what would happen next. I waited for the pain in my neck, but it didn't come. I opened my eyes, confused, and looked up at him.

Instead of my neck, he was staring hungrily at my body.

No.... no.... NO!!! I would NOT let this bastard do what I knew he wanted to do. How had I not seen this before? I tried to squirm away from him, but he had a strong grip on me.

"Oh, finally catching up, are you?" he sneered. "How could I let such a beautiful woman stay so... innocent?" He reached for my pants, but the second he let go of my arms, I dashed away.

Well, dashed as much as an injured girl can. Still, I was able to hit him where the sun don't shine and stumble away.

I found a tiny cave in the rocks and dove into the darkness. I could barely fit, but I was able to squeeze myself as deep as I could, and I was surrounded by blackness. I held my breath, and prayed for my heart to slow down and be quieter.

For a while nothing happened. Then I heard him. "Aud-rey.... Aud-rey.... where are you Audrey...?" Why did I do this!? I should of kept quiet and let him. I shuddered at the thought, but at least I wouldn't be here, waiting for the inevitable .

It was quiet. I almost thought he was gone when a hand reached into the cave and grabbed me.

"Got you."

 I screamed, but I knew it was hopeless.

"Finally," he murmured, when I was out of breath. He smirked again, knowing he had won. "Did you really think you could just run away so easily?" He leaned in, whether to bite me or kiss me, I wasn't sure.

Then an arrow pierced his chest.

He collapsed in front of me. Disbelief crossed my face. What the hell just happened?

I looked up in the direction the arrow had come from and saw some guy with a bow. His eyes left the body on the ground and focused on me. His eyes trailed the dozens of cuts and bruises and bite marks all over me, and concern flashed through them. Then he focused on my face. Something registered in his eyes, but I didn't know what.

"Th-thank you..." I stammered.

"Are you alright?" he approached my cautiously, but worriedly, like he was afraid I was going to break at any moment.

"N... no...." I was getting dizzy. The world was spinning around me in a haze.

"I need to take you to my... uh... clan. We have medicine that can help you. You're injured terribly..." he trailed off. 'I need to get you out of here."

"You're telling m-me." I was loosing feeling in my legs. I collapsed, just as the vampire had before me. Hopefully I didn't have an arrow in my back like him.

The last thing I felt before passing out was the guy catching me in his arms.


Thanks for reading!! Finally wrote most of the things that happened in the summary xD So now hopefully when something happens in the story, it's actually a surprise. Hope you enjoyed!! <3

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