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Who was I? I was Bruce, and the other kids at my school labeled me a "nerd." The name suited me I guess because all I knew was education. I'm was social outcast. A jock's victim. A teacher's pet. An over-achiever. A try hard. All things that I have been called. I remember the first day of school.

Who am I now? I am still Bruce. And I own the world. I own the largest company in the word "SYN" or "Stuff You Need" we have everything. And every store is now my store. But that is not the story. The story is rather how I became this person. Because I used to be a social reject and now my name is on every store, sign, billboard, and poster. And I have now written this story who may have felt as I did and to inform you, it pays off.

My name is Bruce Walsburg, and I am a nerd. And I am proud. This is my story of how I became the most rich and powerful person on the face of the Earth.

One For Nerds (or Next Extradordinary Really Devoted Superiors)Where stories live. Discover now