Sneaky Girlfriend Things

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You know when you wake up in the morning and your eyes aren't open, but yet you can still feel the sunlight burning your eyelids and beckoning them to open up? That's what was happening right now and all Ross wanted to do was pull the blanket up over his head and go back into the deep sleep that he had been in...but that wasn't going to happen. Not when the light was disappearing and then coming back full force, like someone was opening and closing the blinds to see how long it would take him to get up.

Voices were murmured and almost sounded like the teacher's in the Charlie Brown cartoons. He was trying to go back to sleep, not wake up. He wanted to go back to last night when this room had been anything but quiet and her cries of pleasure turned into the soundtrack of his life.

"Ross...wakey, wakey, Ross..."

He swatted at the older Lynch who had somehow wormed his way into their room and like the older brother he was, was bugging the daylights out of him. Ross knew he had to get up. After all, he had an interview at 8:20am on the dot with some publication that he couldn't recall, but that didn't make him move any faster. Folding his arms over his face, he blocked out even more of the sunlight streaming in from the clear wall of windows, that while impressive, was hindering his morning nap.

"Ross, come on, man," Riker pushed his arms off his head. "As I'm your publicist for this trip," he air quoted the title, "as well as your brother, I need you up. Feet on floor, shuffling to the shower, and out the door in like ten minutes."

"I didn't give you that title," Ross muttered, turning around on the bed, and lying flat on his stomach.

"No, mom did. Don't make me call mom."

"You wouldn't." Ross smiled, knowing Riker would be shrugging his shoulders in defeat at that.

"You're right, I wouldn't. But, I have another trick up my sleeve," Riker paused and the moment he did, Ross's head perked up. But that might've been because finger nails were walking on his back up from his waist to his shoulder and kissing skin in between, before turning to see Laura's smiling face.

"See, if you had woken me up like that, this would've been a whole lot easier," he said, kissing her a good morning before she moved off the bed and back over to the dresser to pull on some more jewelry.

"I told him that," Laura said, looking at him in the reflection of the mirror that was hanging. "But he was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you could get up on your own."

Ross turned back around on the bed, leaning up on his elbows and giving her a once over as Riker went down the schedule on his phone, or so Ross assumed. "You look really good."

His eyes traveled down her fully clothed body again. She was covered in a proper ivory blouse that tied into a rose-like bow at her neck that tucked into her tiny jean shorts. Those shorts, though. Whether or not she had this outfit picked out before hand or not, Ross was sure that she was enjoying torturing him like this. She knew for a fact that legs, especially her legs, were his number one weakness. They looked smooth and shiny and he really, really, really wanted to rub his hands all over them. His eyes roamed up and down them again and again, only really taking notice of her blue and yellow floral printed sandals on her feet.

"You know my eyes are up here, right?" Laura laughed at him, pulling him up from the bed.

"But you know how much of a leg man I am and babe, you are killing me here."

"Oh, I know," Laura flirted right back, kissing him quickly. "Oh, before I leave to get this ready," she pointed to her hair and face, "I wanted to show you this ring which is the best ring ever."

Ross looked at the golden heart hitching a ride on his girlfriend's right hand, and rubbed away a bit of sleepiness to read the inscription. Your eyes are the eyes of a woman in love. "Did they make that especially for you?"

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