The Room

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Sasha started pushing Jean and Mikasa into a closet down the hall, for more privacy.  "And we are going to open the door as soon as the seven minutes are up! We aren't going to be nice and knock"

"Oh, I'm sure we won't be doing anything." Jean said in an irritated tone.

"Why do we have to do this?" Mikasa mumbled under her breath.

Some people giggled, most of them were laughing hard enough that they could barely breath—except Levi, with the same expressionless face.

"Here you go!" Sasha exclaimed, pushing Jean and Mikasa into the closet, shutting the door. "Seven minutes start now!"

Sasha went back into the room, laughing hard enough, almost on the verge of tears.

"I wonder what they're going to do in there!" Connie laughed.

"Oh, I think everyone knows!" Petra exclaimed.

Everyone bursted laughing. Levi stared at the group.

"Tch, it's not funny." Levi said in an irritated tone.

"Yeah it is!" Eren responded.

"Why do you think it's not funny?" You asked sarcastically.

"(y/n), Why do you think it is?" Levi responded in the same tone.

"Touché," you glared at Levi.

"Okay, they have five minutes left," Sasha interrupted.

"Who will spin next?" Connie asked.

"You, obviously," Sasha responded

"What? Why me?"

"Because I said so" Sasha responded, laughing a little.

"Fine." Connie said sarcastically.

"Guys! Stop arguing!" Petra shouted.

"We weren't arguing!" Sasha protested.

"Yeah! We were just... sharing an idea!" Connie tried convincing her.

"Well, it sure sounded a lot like arguing." Petra mumbled.

"Shut up, brats! How much time do we have left?" Levi asked.

Sasha checked her phone "Two minutes."

You giggled, "I think they're going to need more than the seven minutes we gave them."

"Yeah? Watch when we walk in there!" Eren laughed

Your face turned a light pink when Eren responded to you. I like you..  a lot. You yelled inside of your head.

"Wait! How much time left?" You turned your head, asking Sasha.

"Oh, crap! I forgot about the time!" Sasha checked her phone " 38 seconds!" She said, standing up, walking to the closet. "Anyone wanna come with me?"

"I do!" You and Connie said in unison.

"Then, hurry up!" Sasha said, panicking.

You and Connie stood up, quietly walking with Sasha to the room.

You guys waited a couple seconds, before Sasha counted down with her hand as she lipped "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0" Sasha and Connie quickly pulled open both doors.

All three of you stare in shock. You saw Jean pinning Mikasa against the wall, in a passionate kiss.

Jean pulled away. They both looked towards the door, blushing madly. Connie and Sasha quickly closed the doors, saving them from more embarrassment.

All three of you started laughing, not making any noise. You guys waited there for a couple seconds, waiting for them, to come out.

Jean and Mikasa left the room, blushing, while walking back to the room with everyone.

"What happened?" Petra asked curiously.

"N-Nothing!" Mikasa stuttered, her face a dark red.

"Obviously something!" Eren laughed.

"Well they were-" Sasha started, getting cut off by Jean.

"We said nothing." Jean protested.

"Well, (y/n), what were they doing?" Levi looked at you.

Why does everyone ask me these questions? You looked up at Levi, "I can't say, unless it's okay with Mikasa and Jean"

"It's not." Mikasa and Jean stated together.

"You weren't doing anything?" Eren asked sarcastically.

"Okay, okay, that's enough! Let's go to the next round," Petra stated, sitting back in the circle,

All the girls sat back in the circle. Connie got ready to spin.

The second round has begun.

Eren x Reader. 7 Minutes in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now