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[Robyn POV]
I tiptoed over to Andy's bunk, opened the curtain slowly and yelled
"ANDYYYYY" right in his ear. He freaked out falling from the bunk right onto my feet.
"FUCK! Andy you hurt me!" I screamed falling back on the opposite bunk holding my foot in pain.
"I hurt you!?" Andy squealed at me.
"Yes!" I squealed back trying not to laugh. "Now come on, Jer made breakfast."
Andy got up bolting to the kitchen area of the bus. That man amd his love for pancakes.
When I got there Andy was drowning in Jinxx hug. I laughed really loud while Jer gave me this look that said 'HELP ME'. When I was done laughing my ass off, I pried Andy off of Jinxx and Andy went straight to the pancakes and sat down in the floor hiding by the couch.
"What's with all the noise?" A sleepy CC said coming out of the bunk hall.
"I made pancakes" Jer said
"Oh not again" he whined. "Are there at least some left this time?"
"Ya there's a few in the micro wave he hasn't got to yet." I told him
"Jinxx I love you so much, man." Andy said with his mouth full, kind of amazimg how Jer understood him.
"Love you too, dude." Jer said laughing.
Next this random chick came out asking for advil and coffee. Must be one of Ash's. We don't question it anymore, just give advil and coffee and they leave. We gave Ash the signal and he came out.
"Where's Andy? And Jake?" Ash asked
"Jake's with Ella at a hotel since shes here for a shoot. Andy....pancakes." I said to Ash
"Ah." He said then sat down on the couch right beside me and CC.
"Today's the LA date, right?" I asked
Everyone says yes in there own way.
"YAAAAAAY!" I squealed like a little girl. I got weird looks from the boys.
"You know I love LA, it's amazing!" I said in defence of my craziness. We all kinda laughed at me. I couldn't wait for the show!

Sorry it's kinda short I'll get better at it - Em

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