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These are the principles to Time Wasting:

1. You can never choose exactly where you are placed in Time

2. You can only travel forwards in Time but never backwards

3. Time Travel will happen accidentally

These are the principles of Time:

1. You have no real control over your actions. Only the illusion of control.

2. There is no past present or future. That only exists in the mind.

3. Everything that's been planned out to happen will happen despite the loss of the cause.

This is what we've learned: Time is set. We can't change it. We can't go back and rearrange the pieces so they'll fall as we please. We're not Time Gods. We're not Time Heroes. We experience Time linearly like the rest of you, except we can keep a firm finger pressed on the fast forward button. We experience time in segments until we get pushed forwards again. This is our life and we can't go back and change it.

Going back is impossible. If we did, it wouldn't matter how many times we change our past, we'll always remember changing it. It will always be there with us even if it doesn't exist in the reality that we chose. Because no matter what reality we settle in, our reality will always be the one we'd lived. The one that involved all the changing and all fuck ups, the Time travelling...

Time can stretch and compress. It can make twists and turns but we don't know how to make it go backwards. Back in the 20th century Einstein figured out that the faster you go the slower time goes for you. Then he figured out that gravity does the same. It's because these things have the ability to warp the fabric of the universe, spacetime.

Spacetime is something that is there but it is also something that we are incapable of seeing. Spacetime is the fourth dimension. The warping of spacetime is what causes black holes to suck away light and slow time down to the extreme. This extreme is time travel.

So we've known how to travel forwards for years, but to go back in time, we think that you have to go faster than the speed of light...that's approximately 300,000 km/s. Einstein said that you can't go faster than the speed of light because your inertia will catch up to you and keep you from ever getting there.

Going back is impossible and we can't change the past...we can only run from it.

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