Ravage Dakara

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The feeling is Seattle mist like freezing blue liquid air penetrating every pore in your skin and a person named Dakara San wasting away your lust for life.

"I can feel the Pulse Date swarming and eating you both away like flies on rotted flesh," their inky black lips say behind veils of hair red as the apocalypse sky.

Needles penetrate our cold flesh and something like ecstasy ensnares us into coffins more comfortable than life. Liquid Death is bursting through our veins looking for a time to affect.


Tick, tock. The heartbeat of a clock blocks out the sound of earth. Sounds exactly like blood rushing in your ears.


Phantasmagoria of a sandstorm so big it'd make the Absolute God feel small. Screams rupture the air like needles tearing through yellow skin. Help us.


Silver nails with sharpened tips like razor blades scrape against our naked skin send electric chills up and down our backs. This is Fear manifested.


Entire cities burn around apathy high bystanders.


Silence before the bomb because the earth has held its breath for its ravaging. Bright lights shine green and it burns our eyes out then as if all the air were held in we're blown away to nothing.


And like the Lobotomy Kids we crash from vertigo enveloped in the black dust of dead earth. Gravity weighs us down a thousand pounds and we crash like failed planes to the ground. Our nervous system disappears in electricity currents passing through our bodies. Pain is impossible.

Dakara's grey hands that absorb heat like metal run over our bodies and glazed over eyes filled with needles of numbness.

"Your Pulse Dates are almost on arrival," Dakara's voice has manifested to a tangible neon mist, "But you'll transcend the lives of this planet earth."

In Post Mortem universe gravity is so strong that time slows to the pace of boredom. Black music drags out whirling and swirling in the still space of blue neon light. Breathing slows to comatose. The lights of galaxies leak from Lee's eyes and splatter themselves onto the dark walls. We transcend sensation and emotion. We transcend mankind creating gaps in the human condition.

"You two were a real witch hunt, but I knew that I had to get my hands on you both. Especially, this one," They point at Lee.

"Why me?"

Dakara rubs at their temples as their black hole eyes close in contemplation. "I've had visions of the apocalypse and they're all linked to you. It's as if you're both the apocalypse manifested but condensed and shoved into the forms of two humans."

"That doesn't make any sense," confusion explodes from Lee like a tidal wave.

Their robe the color of thunder clouds rustles when Lee brushes against it. "This transcends your imaginations entirely. You won't understand until you get there," deft fingers light a candle and the scent swarming is splattered stardust falling from a gravity packed outerspace. "Maybe you'll never understand."

The door opens and the colors leave the room letting us live in Seattle mist once again. Pulsating music that reverberates through our bodies seeps into the room. A Lobotomy Kid pokes his head through the creak in the door. "We were wondering where you'd gone."

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