Anathemic Drag Party

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Buzzing fluorescent lights above us flash on and off in epileptic spasm. In alleyways with graffiti as wallpaper, our backs are leaned against a cold brick wall. Black water with more chemicals in it than anything else covers an inch of the shit-covered floor, as result of years of toxic stupidity. And it reeks of ages and ages of dripping gasoline and animal carcasses.

Lee, he wore a shirt that said, 'I am away' tucked into a leather skirt with a belt wrapped around his twig waist like something you'd see in a drag queen infested cyberpunk city.

"That hasn't happened in a long time," my fingers pull at the fishnets wrapped around his thighs and they go—snap—back into place. Lee dressing like this meant that he was happy, happier than usual.

"We haven't been able to stay in one place long enough."

"Guess we haven't," My hand fingers the cigarette burns in my clothes and skin.

Lee grabs my hands and a shock of static courses throughout my skin. "I'm taking you somewhere tonight."

"Where to?"

Excitement raises Lee's voice an octave or two. "It's a rave."

The counterfeit water hits me in the face as Lee's clunky boots splash it into my face like spit from sick water gods.

"And I have one more thing for you."

"What is it?"

He kisses me full on the face and sticks his tongue into my mouth. Currents of electricity like caged lightning explode between us. And Lee tastes like energy itself and another strange chemical I can't recognize. When he pulls away there's a pill in my mouth left as explanation for Lee's fabricated happiness.

"What's this?" I swallow.

Lee's face is containing a smile so wide it's ripping apart his face. "Not important."

This has always been Lee's greatest flaw, his lust for normalcy and the past. He craved it more than junkies in withdrawal.

Bodies blur together reflecting blue and green light. Music turns to tidal waves pushing us back and forth in a steady pulse of drug haze insanity. Immortality Syndrome has us jumping from 10 meter high ledges onto the ocean of hands and Dust of Angels has our nervous system turned down to numb. The threat of Time Wasting has dissolved like the chemicals in our body though the clock has frozen and could start up again at any moment.

"What if we disappear in front of them?" Lee shouts from the sidelines.

"It won't matter, we're just hallucinations to the Lobotomy Kids."

Lee's face drops like a rock to the bottom of the ocean. He knows our rule that people like us can't exist in this reality. And not existing is tearing Lee apart from the inside.

"Let's just make the most of this," My hand squeezes his shoulder and Lee gives me a ghost of a smile.

And he stares at his drink the same way you'd stare into his eyes if you saw them. Slow seconds pass between us like thick water. The lights flash off in blackout leaving arrays of rainbow assortment neon wrapped around dancing limbs to see the world by. Then slowed red light encompasses all, distorting perception, and slowly leaking out chaos like a too early warning signal.

A figure clothed all in black appears with his back on the wall between Lee and I. Two drinks are in his ink covered fingers. He says: "You look like you're about empty."

"Looks like it," Lee stares in zombie state at his drink.

And those fingers wrapped in black geometric design hand Lee a drink. "Here, take it," he says wrapping Lee's unmoving hands around the new cup.

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