Chapter 2.

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"Ladies 'n gentlemen! Prepare for yer eyes to be amazed!" a tall, dark reddish-ginger haired man called out, his left white-gloved hand holding a black cane, twirling it around his hand. With his right hand, he waved at the crowd, a sly smile on his face. Or rather, he waved with his hook. This man didn't exactly have the best of luck in life, when it came to limbs. His hair was messy and a little long, being thrown back into a small, neat ponytail. His eyes were a clever green color, his angled face along with his hair and eyes giving him the appearance similar to that of a fox's. He wore a black cloak with the inside a dark red, reaching down to his waist, the buttons a golden color. However, despite the cold air, he left his cloak open for the rest of his costume to be visible to the crowd. He had a puffy white collared shirt under a black sleeveless vest, with black pants and heeled black boots that reached up to his knees, laced over his pants. With his pirate hat on, it was easy to tell he was aiming to look like one. "The best performers are now 'ere, within yer city limits! From the strongest fire-breather around-"

As he stated the title, a large man with messy, thick long black hair that reached his waist and plenty of piercings around not only his head, but his arms as well, held up a torch to his lips, blowing the flames into what seemed like a river of dancing flames. He was intimidating and almost frightening, having on black and gray clothes that were patterned like scales. His boots were black and had steel bottoms as well as steel toes.

"-to the best acrobats ye will e'er see!"

Like it was clockwork, words working as cues to do stunts, a lively pair seemingly flew across the street in a wondrous zig-zag motion from the tops of houses and shops. Though the wires were hidden to the public eye, these two performers weaved by each other as they leapt through the air, doing stunts like twirls, summer-salts and much more while they leapt high off the ground above the heads of the people in London.

One was a girl with short blonde hair that barely reached her shoulders, having on a sleeveless white dress with golden lining, trimmings and seams around it. The dress itself has golden sparkles to it and with the detached long golden sparkled white sleeves on her arms, with the gold ribbons, she almost looked like an angel. She had on white shorts that reached her knees, white boots coming up to where her skin-tight shorts ended, having golden laces and bottoms. The girl also had on a golden hairband around her head, being her bangs back, a white orchid being attached to the left side. Around her neck with a white band with a golden treble clef charm attached to it.

The other was a boy with neater, but spiky blonde hair that was put back into a tiny ponytail. In a way, he was the exact opposite of the girl, even though they had the same angled face and electric blue eyes.With no shirt under his black sleeveless vest with golden lining and seams, he had on black braces around his arms, kind of like gauntlets in a way, with golden swirls around it. He had on black shorts that stopped at about his mid thigh while his black boots came up to his knees, having golden lacing and bottoms. He had on a black headband around his head, with golden ear-**** looking objects around his ears. Around his neck was a black band with a bass clef charm attached to it.

The two acrobats, one looking like day, the other looking like night, swung around in a synchronized way, almost like a dance within the air as they gracefully flew from side to side of the street, following the parade of people of the traveling circus. Though not seen to the viewers' eyes, they both had a rather unusual problem for acrobats. Though it was hard to tell while they were moving in the air, they both had prosthetic legs from the mid-thigh down; the boy missing most of his right leg, the girl missing most of her left leg.

"We 'ave the best o' the best! Come tomorrow night to see 'em do their tricks in front of yer very eyes!" the ginger-haired man stated once again as he led the parade of people towards the edge of the town. Horses pulling cages with tigers and lions worked behind him, horses, dancers and everything a child could want to see walking in the parade of the circus. "Come one, come all! Come to the show of your lives! Come see us, the Moonlight Magic Circus!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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