Asya Tries To Steal Daylon From Octavia (PART 1)

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Daylon's P.O.V.

I was recording & Asya called me on FaceTime. "Heyyy", Asya said. "What", I said. "I need to talk to you", she said. "About what?", I said. "You should break up with Octavia & fw me", she said. "Hell no, I love that girl", I said. "I'm better for you", she said. "Nah, you gone break my heart for another nigga", I said. "I liked you for years, why would I do that", she said. "Idk but go try fw your baby daddy and not me, I love my bitch and ain't no cheating", I said. "Nah but lemme be your side chick", she said. I hung up. "Aye Rackzo", I texted CJ. "Wassup Tall", CJ said. "Should I stop talking to Asya again?", I said. "What happened now?", he said. "Call me", I said. He FaceTimed me. "Yo, what happened bra", he said. "Asya still in love and won't leave me alone", I said. "Hol bra, I'm adding Octavia", he said. He added her. "Why you add me here, CJ? Oh, hey bae", Octavia said. "Asya trippin again, she tryn take me from you", I said. "Oh hell no", she said. "ASYA MUST DIE", me & CJ said at the same time.

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