Chapter 1: I'm Just Really Clumsy

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Here I am sitting, enjoying the wonderful smells of a High School Cafeteria. I would be in the library eating my lunch but the underclassmen are testing today and as much as I feel bad for them I also don't because I had to go through the same torture.

Now, I am going through even worse torture by being forced to sit next to strangers, dodge flying food, and of course, making awkward eye contact while eating. I really just want lunch to end so I can get away from all these people. It's just as bad in class but at least there's a lot less people and food to deal with.

Great, now for my favorite part of lunch, taking my tray up. Whenever I do happen to be in the lunchroom longer than getting my tray and leaving to go to the library, I always manage to get tripped. I have already managed to get tripped 2 times today so I'm not looking forward to the rest of lunch. I stay out of peoples way but it's always inevitable. I just hope my clothes don't get ruined like last time.

As I am walking towards the trash cans, you'll never guess who just happens to be walking towards them as well. The one, the only, the most popular of the popular, Keith Barlow. And that ladies and gentlemen is the human that I hate the most in this world. I'm very tempted to just go back and sit down but I don't want him to get the satisfaction of knowing he affects me that much. So, I just continue walking as normal. And there he blows, right to my shin.

Well, now my face is being acquainted with the floor. It's been too long my unfortunate friend. Wait, is that gum? A couple inches over and I would be puking and scrubbing my face for the rest of the day.

"Really Barlow? Really?" I say in annoyance as I get get up off the floor. I begin to check for any stains on my clothes but lucky for me, the tray landed upside down and my clothes are almost as good as new.

He just looks at me with the most annoying smirk, "Come on, Green. You should've been expecting it."

I just roll my eyes, "I didn't even notice you 'till I was already down."

He gives me a knowing look, "Yeah, like you wouldn't notice this gorgeous hunk of man walking in your line of sight." motioning to his body.

I open my mouth to shit on his ego but a tall figure comes up beside me before I can respond. As soon as I realize its Janitor Wilson, I start apologizing over and over again. He just looks at me in annoyance, "I'm tired of cleaning up your messes." Yeah they're totally my messes.

I turn to glare at Barlow but he's already gone, damn I got away easy this time. I turn back to Janitor Wilson with the most genuine expression I can come up with, "I really am sorry, I'm just really clumsy."

I know that if I state the obvious truth, that I was tripped, it wouldn't do any good because Keith is Livingstone's golden boy and everyone already knows I was tripped because their eyes never leave "their precious star". There are actually some crazy girls here that actually worship him, I wish I was lying. It's only because a.) he's family is rich b.) he's good at EVERY sport, it's like he was injected with some type of athletic serum, and c.) he's fairly attractive, okay make that extremely attractive. I hate to admit it but before I knew he was such an evil ass, I actually had a crush on the guy. I mean hes got the whole package so you cant blame me.

Wilson just sighs, "Just get out of my way." The bells about to ring anyway so I'm just gonna get back to class.

I hate how Wilson blames me for this. Keith is the one who causes me to cause these messes. Which is only because he told me to do his homework and I lead him to believe I would, but never followed through with it costing him half his grade. I had just recently transferred here and all of a sudden I was supposed to be this guys homework slave. Hell no. Let's just say he's making me pay for it. Every single day of my high school life. It's not too bad, yeah I get the occasional trip and offensive name but at least I have no broken bones. In all my life, I have not broken a bone in my body and if Keith changes that I will make him pay. I don't care that I am a scrawny girl and he has a huge ass posse, I will get my revenge. He came close once to feeling my wrath when he bumped into me on the stairs causing me to almost plummet to my death but I fight myself on the railing which gave me a sprained wrist. That was when I fully realized that he was evil. I could have died. Lucky for him I have the best reflexes.

The bell rings knocking me out of my thoughts. I'm only a flight of stairs away from my class so I will most likely be the first one there. As I am about to head up the stairs I hear some weird noises coming from under the stair case. They sound like someone is in pain, or doing something naughty if ya know what I mean. I should just ignore them but my conscious would never shut up if I didn't make sure everything was okay. I slowly start to creep towards the opening under the stairs when all of a sudden kids start bursting through the door to go up the stairs. Whispers of "White trash" "loser" Freak" and more begin to fill the air. I just ignore them, I've been called a lot worse.

Damn, so much for being the first to class. I wait for the crowd to dwindle down so I wont be a target for tripping and I'm about to go up the stairs when I remember I was down there for a reason. The moans and groans were drowned out by the mass of students but I can hear them again but they're fainter.

Just as I am about to see whats under the stair case I hear the last thing I want too, "Ohhhh Keith..." Ew! Ew! Ew! Of course no one was in pain! What was I thinking? This is the last time I ever try to help someone!

I turn as fast as I can and run up the stairs. Remember when I used that I'm clumsy as a excuse? Well that wasn't exactly a lie. And down I go, hitting my head on the railing as I do. Hello again floor.

"What was that?" I hear Keith say muffled. Shit! Today is so not my day. I jump up but I get dizzy and there is no way I'll make it up the stairs like this. I sit back down to try and regain control of my body.

"I don't know but I'm out of here! There's no way I'm going to get caught!" says um... Keith's "friend". Good, he's distracted with her, I can make my get away. I attempt to stand as well but my vision goes black for a second so I immediately sit back down.

"What? No, don't go..." And bam! Door slam. So dramatic. Please follow her! Please, please, please!!

"Green? What the hell?" And of course not!

Unfortunately for me the dizziness still hasn't gone away so I slowly turn around to be sure I don't fall straight down the stairs. "Oh hey, Barlow. Lovely day were having, aren't we? Well, I'll be going now." Why do stairs have to be so long? One step at a time, I can do this.

"Get back here Green!" I can literally hear him fuming.

"I have a class I have to get too so if you don't mind I don't want to be la-" And there's the bell. "Great, just great." Now I have to go and get a tardy pass. I hate the Attendance office.

"Kelly left because of you! It was just getting good. You're gonna pay for this Green!"

"I already am! I have to hear your annoying voice AND go to attendance which happens to be all the way on the other side of the school!"

He scoffs, "Oh no. You're going to have to go through a lot worse!"

"Is that a threat, Barlow?" How dare he threaten me? He already ruins my day with his physical and emotional abuse, what more could he possibly do? He has too much power and he needs to come down a lot of pegs, way more than just one.

"Yes it is." Could his glare get any colder?

"You're so lucky everyone here loves and worships you because if they didn't, I would ruin you. Actually, ya know what? I'm gonna ruin you anyway. I am sick and tired of you treating me and others like crap just because you can. Say goodbye to your fans, Barlow, because they wont be loving you for much longer."

"You really think I'm scared of you, Green. You're nothing but a little, pathetic girl with no friends, no family, and no talent. No one likes you! No one wants you! No one is going to listen to you! You couldn't hurt me even if I helped you." My eyes start to water. You'd think I'd get used to him saying all that but nope. My family has always been a touchy subject.

"You're gonna eat you're words, Barlow. I can promise you that." My head is finally clear of dizziness so I shuffle down the stairs and push past him out the door, casually walking over his extended foot trying to trip me and dodging his hand trying to grab my shoulder. I'm done being his target, it's time he gets a taste of his own medicine.


A/N: Hello Everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic day! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my story, I've worked very hard on it and I know there are spelling mistakes because what story doesn't? If you have any questions or concerns, I will be sure to respond and try to help you the best I can. Thank you again and have a good day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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