The break up

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June 22th

"Ugh! Morning already? Damn it!"
It's a normal day, like usual, I wake up, I take a bath and I get my cereal box.

"Same shit everyday, I forgot the milk."

After all of that, I dressed up my usual everyday uniform, white shirt, jeans, and my Chicago Bulls sweater, than I put on my Adidas Bulls shoes and my Bulls hat, and I walk to school.

As always I'm early, only Chubz is here, good thing he actually brang his ball today.

"Hey Chubz, What's up?"

"Nothing, wanna play ball?"

"Oh hell yah!"

So as time went by more people appeared, and so the bell rang.

As I seat down. This kid Nathan that seats beside me starts talking to me while math class.

"Hey do you want cookies?"

"Shut up!"

"Do you want to trade juice than?"

"Shut up!"

"Can I borrow a pencil?"


Damn. He's annoying.

The bell rang for first recess, and as I was heading outside I saw Audrey with LN so I moved towards them.

"Hey do you guys want to sit down in the rocks?"

"Sure." Said LN

As we sat down LN went to play soccer.

"We're you going?" Said Audrey as LN completely ignored her. A few minutes later the bell rang and we went indoors.
An hour later it was lunch time and I texted Audrey.

From: Gabe
To: Audrey
Hey can we talk in the rocks at lunch recess?

From: Audrey
To: Gabe
Sure, why what's up?

From: Gabe
To: Audrey
I'll tell you than.

The bell rang and I went to sit down at the rocks but as she came she said.

"Hey, I'll be back in a minute."

She walks towards LN and comes back telling me this.

"I broke up with LN!"

"That will make it easyer, um Audrey, I'm kinda in love with you and I want you to be my girlfriend so will you go out with me?"

"Yes I will, of course!"

"Yes good!!!"

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