Chapter 3

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"Where have you been Claire?" Jordan and Bryan rushed towards me, "We've been worried sick!"

I sigh as my best friend wrapped his arms around my shoulders for a hug, "Jordan I was just watching one of the bands. You really don't need to worry about me."

He pulled away so we were face to face, "I know you can take care of yourself, but no matter what I'm still going to worry about you while we're here."

"Hey Jordan we need to help pack up," I noticed Damon shout from inside the tent. With that I followed the dark haired boy so I could help with his merchandise.


A few fans were waiting for their parents outside of the venue, so the guys decided to hang out with them until they left. I was exhaustedly leaning up against the side of the bus waiting for the guys to come back when I noticed familiar dark hair covered by a snapback. Vic.

"Hon you know I can't stay. I'm sorry," his voice was hushed as he pulled a dark haired girl towards the exit, "It's only three months."

The girl sighed and stopped walking, "Vic I hate when you leave," her voice was kind of high, and she stood slightly over Vic's head.

"I know you do babe," his hand brushed down her arm causing me to frown slightly, "I'll be back before you know it. Don't worry."

The girl looked down while biting her lip signaling that she was hiding something, but the boy didn't seem to notice, "Okay. Have a good time."

He slowly leaned in to kiss her, and I quickly turned away and walked towards where the guys were. I haven't even met the boy yet and I'm jealous of his freaking girlfriend.

"Claire!" I looked up allowing a smile to form on my face when Johnnie pulled me into a hug, "We're about to leave, where are you heading?"

I shook my head slowly making eye contact with the younger boy, "Just wanted to get Jordan. I'm exhausted, so I know he is too."

Johnnie nods in agreement as the other boys fill in behind him, "So at one of the next dates Memphis May Fire is throwing a party for all of us as a kick off to Warped 2015," Bryan read from his phone, "Are you guys interested?"

"I'm down if everyone else is," Damon replied while typing on his phone, "I mean it sounds like it'll be fun."

"Then I take that as a yes," Bryan said and began typing on his phone again as we entered our bus.


The next day everyone was dragging; since the boys thought it would be a good idea to stay up for most of the night making videos and playing video games.

Today I had decided to just help with the merch instead of wandering around again. This was honestly due to the fact that I was horribly sunburnt from yesterday because my dumb ass thought I didn't need sunscreen.

"Cee, I need a medium Bryan shirt," Alex said from his spot at the front of the tent. The day had passed quite quickly for me not really doing anything, and I hadn't seen the boys since this morning when they had their meet and greet and signing.

I slid my phone out of my pocket to text Jordan, but a group of screaming girls pulled my attention towards the tent across from ours, "What the hell is that about?"

"Vic and Jaime are over there selling merch to some fans I guess," Alex replied not even glancing up from what he was doing at the back of the tent, "You should go say hi to Victor since you were drooling over him yesterday."

My jaw dropped at his comment causing me to snap my head in his direction, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I was helping backstage when they were preforming yesterday. I saw you and that couple at the front of the crowd," A smirk was apparent on his face, "But really you should go say hi."

I chuckle slightly and shake my head at the boy, "I've got better things to do with my life than to go meet some random band member. He's going to think I'm some obsessive fan."

Alex finally looked up at me with an unreadable expression on his face, "have you not met Bryan? He is the ultimate fangirl."

His comment caused me to laugh, and when I glanced back over at the tent my eyes locked with familiar brown ones. I guess the fans had finally left. Vic began to stand up as Jordan ran up to me, "Come on Claire we need to go see Black Veil Brides!"

I couldn't find words and when I looked over Jordan's shoulder Vic and Jaime had disappeared.


The boys had passed out in the back lounge about an hour ago leaving me alone once again. I thought coming on this tour with them would be a lot more fun than this, but for the most part I've been left to find my own entertainment.

"Hey Claire bear," Jordan groggily said taking a seat next to me on the couch, "I've been wanting to ask you if you were okay. I feel like the worst best friend in the world at the moment, and I don't know what to do to change that."

"Jordan you're fine," I whispered and ruffled his hair a little; "you're living your dream. I was only brought along because you didn't want to leave me home alone."

He bit his lip lightly and kept his eyes on his hands, "I know that something has been on your mind, and I haven't been here to talk you through it."

"It's nothing extremely important," I sighed.

"It obviously is," His arm went across my shoulders, "We've been friends long enough now that I can tell when you've got your mind on something."

"It really isn't that important though. It's just something stupid," I replied and pushed my bangs out of my face.

A smile formed on his face, "It's a boy isn't it?"

My mouth fell open slightly shocked that he knew, "H-how?"

"You're being shy and closed off about it as well as denying it," The boy replied turning to face me, "So who is it? Bryan?"

I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing, "No it's not one of the YouTubers. It's just a little crush that randomly began on the first day."

"So it's one of the band members here?" He asked and I respond with a curt nod, "Will you tell me who it is so I can tell you if he's a good guy or not?"

I bit my lip lightly and let out a sigh, "It's Vic."

"As in Vic Fuentes?" His eyes widened slightly, "When did you talk to him?"

"That's the thing Jordan," my arms fell across my chest, "He and I haven't even said one word to each other." With that I explained everything that's happened so far.

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